Gone are the days where all you are required to do as a Data Analyst is to create Reports and Dashboards for the business. We are now in the age of decision intelligence where you are required to directly support business decisions through the output from your Power BI Reports and Dashboards.
To meet this level of demand and expectations, you need to start leveraging the AI capabilities in Power BI. In case you are not aware, Power BI has so many AI Features that will 10x your productivity and greatly improve the quality of your work.
Let's Explore the AI Features together
Before we explore the AI Features covered in this blog, kindly take few seconds to fill this Survey. We also have a joke for you at the end of the Survey: Kindly take few seconds to fill this survey about Power BI DAX
Smart Data Discovery and Visualization in Power BI
Power BI is rich in AI features; Smart Data Discovery and Visualization is one of them. While some people have used these features before, many do not know that it is enabled and delivered through the power of Artificial Intelligence.
Smart Discovery enables Power BI to automatically discover and visualize your data. Let's have an example as can be illustrated below using a data in Power BI Service.
This feature is also available in different forms within Microsoft Ecosystem. Let's look at the Data stored in SharePoint List below.
Another way to see this in action is through Microsoft Teams. Let's look at Power BI Integration in Microsoft Teams and how the Smart Data Discovery and Visualization get the teams activity data analyzed and visualized.
Natural Language Query (NLQ) in Power BI
Anomaly Detection in Power BI
Key Influencers in Power BI
Decomposition Tree in Power BI
Sentiment Analysis with AI in Power BI
Forecasting with AI in Power BI
Additional Resources
Power BI DAX Suggestion Project - https://aka.ms/DAXPowerBISession
Enable DAX Suggestion in Power BI : https://aka.ms/EnableDAXSuggestion