How to Easily Make Web Applications with Code-to-Cloud, Getting Apps in the Cloud
Published Jun 14 2023 12:00 PM 2,383 Views

What if there was a way to simplify and streamline your web development process on Azure? What if you could create and deploy your web applications on the cloud with just a few clicks, using your favorite frameworks and languages? What if you could leverage the power and flexibility of GitHub and Azure to manage your code and your cloud resources?


That is exactly what Code-to-Cloud offers you. Code-to-Cloud is a new preview service that provides a unified and simplified experience for web development on Azure. With Code-to-Cloud, you can choose from a variety of templates that match your preferred frameworks and languages, such as React, C#, Python, Node.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and SQL Database.


You can also use your own GitHub repository and branch to deploy your existing code. Code-to-Cloud will automatically create a GitHub repository and actions, provision Azure services, and deploy your code to the cloud. You can then access your web application from a URL and start using it right away.


Don't believe us? See for yourself how easy and fast it is to deploy web applications with Code-to-Cloud. Watch these videos of our colleagues @JuliaMuiruri and @PabloLopes  demonstrating how they use Code-to-Cloud to build and deploy web applications on Azure in minutes.


Application from Zero with One Click


In this video, Pablo shows how to create a web application from scratch using Code-to-Cloud. He follows these simple steps:


  1. He accesses the App Spaces portal and signs in with his Azure account.
  2. He selects one of the four templates available.
  3. He had connected his GitHub account to Code-to-Cloud. If he had not already connected his account before, he would connect it.
  4. He selects his GitHub organization where he wants to create his repository.
  5. He defines his Code-to-Cloud application details, such as the app space name, the Azure subscription, and the Azure region.
  6. He clicks on Deploy and waits a few minutes for the deployment to be completed.
  7. He gets a confirmation message with the URL of his web application. He clicks on the URL and sees his web application running on the cloud.


Deploy from GitHub


In this video, Julia shows how to deploy a web application from her own GitHub repository using Code-to-Cloud. She follows these simple steps:


  1. She accesses the App Spaces portal and signs in with her Azure account.
  2. She had already connected her GitHub account to Code-to-Cloud. If she had not already connected to her account before, she could connect the account quickly.
  3. She selects one of her repositories and a branch that contains her web application code. She chooses a repository.
  4. She defines her Code-to-Cloud application details, such as the recommended service, the app space name, the Azure subscription, and the Azure region. The recommended service is based on the code analysis of her repository and suggests the best Azure service for her web application. She can also change the service if she wants to use a different one.
  5. She clicks on Deploy and waits a few minutes for the deployment to be completed.
  6. She gets a confirmation message with the URL of her web application. She clicks on the URL and sees her web application running on the cloud.


As you can see, Code-to-Cloud makes web development on Azure a breeze. You can also customize your Code-to-Cloud applications by editing the GitHub actions, modifying the code, or adding new features. You can use the App Spaces portal to monitor your deployments, access your Azure services, and manage your app settings. You can also scale your applications, add authentication, or enable continuous delivery with a few clicks.


Code-to-Cloud is currently in preview and supports a limited number of templates and regions. However, we are working hard to add more options and capabilities to make your web development experience even better. We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on how to improve Code-to-Cloud. You can share your thoughts and questions on our social media. We hope you enjoy using Code-to-Cloud and building amazing web applications on Azure!


Version history
Last update:
‎Jun 14 2023 09:54 AM
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