is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities. Geared towards 6-10th graders, its CS Discoveries course empowers students to create apps, games, and web pages and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. Now, with the integration of CS Discoveries and OneNote, students can reflect their own learning in a personal way and record their growth through journaling - one of six key instructional strategies used in the course - and teachers can provide feedback in multiple ways to students.
We’ve created a custom OneNote Class Notebook wizard that uses the colors, logo, and best of all, their amazing Computer Science Discoveries curriculum! To sign in and create your Class Notebook with the CS Discoveries 2018 curriculum baked in, just go here: Set up your Class Notebook just like a regular Class Notebook, but you can add the CS Discoveries Curriculum during setup.
Note: If your school doesn’t yet have Office 365, teachers and students can sign up for free at
Example of the Class Notebook wizard containing CS Discoveries curriculum
After the Class Notebook is set up, the curriculum is populated into the Teacher-Only section of the Notebook, ready to start using! In addition, we offer some default Private Student Notebook names that has suggested as best practices. Eileen Lennon, an educator from New York City, has this to say about her early use notebook: "With the Class Notebook, I now have an online textbook, workbook, and notebook for my coding students. Thanks Microsoft and for putting this together."
A few examples of the content in OneNote are shown below:
Microsoft Educator Community page
We’ve put together a Microsoft Educator Community page designed to give schools and teachers high level information about the Class Notebook, helpful links, and how to get started. Please share this in your districts!
Getting Started
To get started today, visit our How to use the Class Notebook page in the Support Center for Microsoft Education. There are specific steps for Office 365 teachers to get up and running today.
We hope you have a chance to bring Computer Science into your classroom this school year, and with the new (and free!) Org Class Notebook, now it’s even easier and more organized than ever.
Mike Tholfsen
Microsoft Education Product Manager
Updated Jun 20, 2019
Version 1.0MikeTholfsen
Joined July 27, 2016
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