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Microsoft 365 Champions community call (Sept 2024 | PM): The latest updates in OneDrive for work
Event details
In this session, we’ll explore the latest developments in OneDrive with the introduction of Copilot, and the enhanced File Explorer experience in Windows, focusing on how it boosts productivity and promotes flexible work. We’ll delve into how OneDrive, combined with the AI-powered capabilities of Copilot, can revolutionize your work across all of Microsoft 365. We’ll also discuss the latest enhancements in Windows File Explorer, enhancing flexibility and adaptability to work the way you prefer. Discover how these technologies are shaping the future of flexible workspaces, fostering collaboration, and driving efficiency in various work environments.
Host: Josh Leporati
Guest: Irfan Shahdad
Moderator: Jessie Hwang
Each call includes live Q&A, where you can ask questions about Microsoft 365. To ask questions during the call, post them via Comments on this page: https://aka.ms/M365ChampionCallAM.
There is another call happening at 5:05 PM PDT to allow attendees to join across time zones; learn more: https://aka.ms/M365ChampionCallPM.
Join the Microsoft 365 Champion program today! Champions combine technical acumen with people skills to drive meaningful change.
Join now: https://aka.ms/M365Champions.
Note: If you are unable to watch the recording on YouTube, try watching it here.
- Mark-KashmanMicrosoftLet us know if you have any OneDrive questions for the product team: We have people who focus on the OneDrive Web experience, sync, and collaboration.
- Hello from Tucson, AZ.
- JoshLeporatiCommunity Manager
Hey Hal - welcome back to our second call, glad to see you again!
- Thanks, Josh!!
- Mark-KashmanMicrosoft
Hello again, fellow Tucsonan! 🏜
- CarlosVargasM29Brass ContributorHello from Puerto Rico.
- Jessie_HwangMicrosoftHi Carlos! Good to see you!
- Mark-KashmanMicrosoftThanks for joining, Carlos. Let us know if you have a question - esp. if it's about OneDrive. The OneDrive team is ready!
- JoshLeporatiCommunity ManagerWelcome Carlos!
- JoshLeporatiCommunity Manager
Colored folders in file explorer for the win!!!! 🟥🟩🟦🟨 🙌
- John_loduCopper ContributorI added this event to my calendar can't wait to join.
- Jessie_HwangMicrosoftExcited to have you join us, John! Be sure to join the Microsoft 365 Champion Program, too, so you get access to our resources page where we publish the presentations. Join here: https://aka.ms/M365Champions.
- JoshLeporatiCommunity ManagerExcited to have you with us John!
- CarlosVargasM29Brass ContributorAny plans to bring the OneDrive/SharePoint folder colors to the desktop folders? I have a few customers asking for that feature.
- Carter_MSFTMicrosoft
Did you read ahead in the deck 😁? Liz will speak to this, but we are bringing colored folders to OneDrive within File Explorer and are currently rolling it out to our Sync Commercial client users.
I'm curious if you have already got the chance to use it, by being in our Sync client Insider ring?
- CarlosVargasM29Brass ContributorHahahahaha, I used to be an FTE in the training team for the LATAM area, and this was a question that we got a billion times.
- Mark-KashmanMicrosoft
❤️💙💚💜🤔 #ComingUp ⏳
- Mark-KashmanMicrosoft
Learn more about Copilot in OneDrive: https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-with-copilot-in-onedrive-7fc81e10-e0cf-4da8-af2e-9876a2770e5d
- Mark-KashmanMicrosoftFYI | "OneDrive: AI Innovations for a New Era of Work and Home" | Oct. 8th @ 10am PT | https://aka.ms/OneDriveEvent2024.
- Thanks!!!!
- Mark-KashmanMicrosoft
FYI, keep up with the OneDrive team:
- OneDrive Help & Learning: https://support.microsoft.com/onedrive
- Microsoft OneDrive blog (home page): https://aka.ms/OneDrive/blog
- OneDrive Office Hours sign up: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-onedrive-blog/introducing-onedrive-office-hours/ba-p/3741494
- OneDrive on Twitter: https://x.com/OneDrive
- Review and subscribe to Sync Up - The OneDrive podcast: https://aka.ms/SyncUp