How to Submit an Event to the Community Events board

Community Manager

Hi all,


I wanted to take a minute to walk you through the process to submit a new event and give you some hints and tips to make your event look great. 


In the community events home page, you will see three buttons, click the one that says "Submit Event"



On the next page you will see a selection of boxes you need to complete:


First off use the image picker on the right hand side to select the image that your event will use. The image should be at least 600px x 600px to allow it to resize between the individual event card and the featured events banners. Note: you must have rights to use all images and we reserve to the right to remove images that do not comply with our guidelines.


Subject: - This should be a short summary of your event, do not post the location for your event in the subject, unless its part of the name. The subject must not exceed 150 characters.


Description: - This is where you tell prospective participants about your event. You can not copy and paste from another source as all formatting will be lost. Experience has shown us the most common thing to include here is information about who will be speaking and on what subjects or an agenda. You may also wish to make a note about your event sponsor here. We recommend keeping descriptions to under 500 characters. 


Products: - Select from the drop down all Microsoft products you plan to discuss at your event. Note non Microsoft products are not listed however you are welcome to discuss competing products at your event and you may include information about this in the description above.


Is this an online event? - tick this box if your event is an online webcast or similar. At the moment this doesn't do much except hide the physical location map that will appear in the community event. I recommend if your hosting online event then select a country other than the United states and in the City box enter "Online" we are going to improve this in a future version.


Country: - Well this one is self explanatory. If you can not find your country please do let us know but we are using the ISO recognised list as at end of June 2018.


Address: - This will be the first line of the address where the event is being held. If needed you can also put in more than the first line. 


City: - If your event is in the United States you will be given a list of cities to select from. It is not possible to include every possible city so if you select the nearest city and make sure the address includes the exact locations. Outside the United States this is a freeform box.


State / Region: - Similar to city if your event is in the United States then the State will be a drop down list and if your event is outside the United States it will be a free form box.


Zip: - This is for your events Zip code or postal code.


Speakers: - If you are having a speaker come to your event who is registered in our Speaker List then please tag them here. This will help them to gain community recognition and provide potential attendees a profile to review. 


Event Leaders must accept the Terms and Agreements to be able to submit their event.


Event Start / Event End:  - Select the start date and time, end date and time. 


Event Time zone: - Make sure you select the correct time zone for your event. 


Registration: - This is the link to your event registration. The link must start http:// or, preferably, https:// failure to start the link with this will result in a broken link.


When you submit an event it will be submitted for our review. We will review all events within 1 business day and our review is just to confirm that the event complies with our terms of use, guidelines and all applicable agreements.


If we are unable to approve your event we will send you a private message detailing why and, if possible, suggesting corrective actions. There are no notifications sent when we approve your event, but this is something we are looking to add in a future version.


Once approved you may edit it yourself by opening the event and clicking the edit button at the top left.


If you have any questions please do reply here.

14 Replies
Hi all, We have identified a bug in the event board which means time is getting stored in correctly. We are working to fix this but it may mean that the times you enter for the event come out wrong. In the mean time I would recommend putting the correct times into your event description. This will be fixed this week.
This bug is now fixed.
So it's OK to use the actual zip but use a generic city like "Chicago" for Chicago suburbs? Thanks for the tips! Dan Rey

Thank you Allen

Submitting an event works great! Thanks!

I'm trying to submit events and getting an error message every time.  Is this a bug or something my end?Annotation.png



Event submission is working, we have two pending approval right now, is it possible you have either not put anything in the "Description" box? It looks like we have an regression that is not marking that field as required.


If you are then it maybe that you have selected to many products, the products field can take a maximum of 255 Characters (we never anticipated someone selecting all products in the list!).


If its not that then can you PM me a screenshot of the form your trying to submit so I can take a closer look

Thanks @Allen, got it working now. :) 

Glad to hear it!
I submitted an event and just learned it was approved. The event page has the wrong time. How do we get this corrected?
I figured it out.
I figured it out. It was under a different account.
I don't have Azure Data Explorer at the product list
Seems this problem has returned, tho now for column 13