4K Display issue with BizTalk (in VS and BTS Administration Console)

Copper Contributor



I am having major problems when trying to develop and administer BizTalk solutions on a 4K display.







When scrolling left/right in the administration console:



These are just some examples, but it happens everywhere related to BizTalk.. in BizTalk projects in VS, in BizTalk administration console.. and I have experienced this on several 4K displays (across different computers). Everything is fine in non-BizTalk-related environments (for example in a .NET class library). It really destroys the whole developer/administration experience and often makes it impossible to be productive.


Are anyone else experiencing the same problems? Does anyone have a solution - except buying a new laptop without 4K display?



3 Replies
Does it help if you set scaling option in Windows display settings to 100% (assuming you may have 150% or 200% instead)?

What is the result of this powershell script? (getting details about resolution, scaling, monitors and version of VS 2019)


Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

$screen_cnt = [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens.Count

$col_screens = [system.windows.forms.screen]::AllScreens

$vs2019file = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"

$info_screens = ($col_screens | ForEach-Object {

if ("$($_.Primary)" -eq "True") {$monitor_type = "Primary Monitor "} else {$monitor_type = "Secondary Monitor "}

if ("$($_.Bounds.Width)" -gt "$($_.Bounds.Height)") {$monitor_orientation = "Landscape"} else {$monitor_orientation = "Portrait"}

$monitor_type + "(Bounds) " + "$($_.Bounds)"

$monitor_type + "(Primary) " + "$($_.Primary)"

$monitor_type + "(Device Name) " + "$($_.DeviceName)"

$monitor_type + "(Bounds Width x Bounds Height) " + "$($_.Bounds.Width) x $($_.Bounds.Height) ($monitor_orientation)"

$monitor_type + "(Bits Per Pixel) " + "$($_.BitsPerPixel)"

$monitor_type + "(Working Area) " + "$($_.WorkingArea)"



If ((Test-Path $vs2019file) -eq $True) {

$devenvversion = (Get-ChildItem -Path $vs2019file).VersionInfo.ProductVersion


else {

$devenvversion = "*Not existing*"


$DPISetting = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics' -Name AppliedDPI).AppliedDPI

Write-Host "VS DevEnv.exe version : $devenvversion"

Write-Host "DPI setting (96=100%) : $DPISetting"

Write-Host "TOTAL SCREEN COUNT: $screen_cnt"


Hello Niklas,

I seem to have missed your answer on this issue.. you seem to be right that it has to do with scaling on the host (set to 250%). But setting scaling to 100% is not an option, since I'm running on a 3840 x 2400 resolution and everything becomes too small. Is there any other way to solve this?

BTW im running BizTalk Server 2020 on a guest VM.

Here is the result from the powershell script that you provided:
VS DevEnv.exe version : 16.11.32510.428
DPI setting (96=100%) : 240
Primary Monitor (Bounds) {X=0,Y=0,Width=1536,Height=960}
Primary Monitor (Primary) True
Primary Monitor (Device Name) \\.\DISPLAY1
Primary Monitor (Bounds Width x Bounds Height) 1536 x 960 (Portrait)
Primary Monitor (Bits Per Pixel) 32
Primary Monitor (Working Area) {X=0,Y=0,Width=3840,Height=2300}
I have a very large monitor with similar resolution at work, which works fine with RDCMan and 100%. I use external screen only, and then I use 50% of my screen for RDC (left or right half with full height):

Perhaps you can try different RDC options in this? (Both Display settings tab and Remote desktop settings tab)