What is new in Azure Virtual Desktop for January 2022

Here's what changed in January 2022:


FSLogix version 2201 public preview

FSLogix version 2201 is now in public preview. For more information, see our blog post or the FSLogix release notes.


Migration tool now generally available

The PowerShell commands that migrate metadata from Azure Virtual Desktop (classic) to Azure Virtual Desktop are now generally available. To learn more about migrating your existing deployment, see Migrate automatically from Azure Virtual Desktop (classic) or our blog post.


Increased application group limit

We've increased number of Azure Virtual Desktop application groups you can have on each Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant from 200 to 500. For more information, see our blog post.


Updates to required URLs

We've updated the required URL list for Azure Virtual Desktop to accommodate Azure Virtual Desktop agent traffic. For more information, see our blog post.

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