Updated Published app won't launch

Brass Contributor

Can someone help me track down why an app I previously published and just updated, now won't launch? I tried using the same info to publish it again with a new name and the app launches. I'm not sure what is going on. I'm publishing through powershell.



"Avatar" doesn't work, but "Avatar Cloud" launches just fine.



Old Updated App:

TenantGroupName : Default Tenant Group
TenantName : omitted
HostPoolName : omitted
AppGroupName : Test
RemoteAppName : Avatar
FilePath : ‪C:\Program Files\Avatar\Avatar.bat
AppAlias :
CommandLineSetting : DoNotAllow
Description :
FriendlyName : Avatar
IconIndex : 0
IconPath : ‪C:\Windows\System32\Icons\Avatar.ico
RequiredCommandLine :
ShowInWebFeed : True


New App:

TenantGroupName : Default Tenant Group
TenantName : omitted
HostPoolName : omitted
AppGroupName : Test
RemoteAppName : Avatar Cloud
FilePath : C:\Program Files\Avatar\Avatar.bat
AppAlias :
CommandLineSetting : DoNotAllow
Description :
FriendlyName : Avatar Cloud
IconIndex : 0
IconPath : C:\Windows\System32\Icons\Avatar.ico
RequiredCommandLine :
ShowInWebFeed : True

1 Reply

@sbuntun: Please point to the executable instead of the batch file.