Forum Discussion
May 14, 2020Microsoft
Migration from Fall 2019 to Spring update 2020
The PowerShell cmdlets named in the article aren’t available yet. We’ll update this article when we publish the cmdlets.
The Fall 2019 release of Windows Virtual Desktop provided ...
Jun 29, 2020Copper Contributor
Hi Pavithra,
Thanks for the great info! I have a question. So I started w/ 2019 non-arm wvd. It was only a test and I have just a few users kicking the tires to help us understand it.
Fast forward to now. I've deployed the ARM version (2020) of wvd (again a test), and I'd like to steer users to it. Question: How do I dump the 2019 wvd setup and replace it with my 2020 version? I've looked around, but haven't seen anyway to do it. Do you have any suggestions?
Aug 06, 2020Copper Contributor
Any news on when there will do a process to migrate from Fall to spring, I am currently have this setup in the fall 2019, but my team does not show the correct time in the calendar. I need to get this fix because it is a project that i am going on and it stop me from migrating more users no-va