Forum Discussion
May 14, 2020Microsoft
Migration from Fall 2019 to Spring update 2020
The PowerShell cmdlets named in the article aren’t available yet. We’ll update this article when we publish the cmdlets.
The Fall 2019 release of Windows Virtual Desktop provided ...
Ed Stalcup
May 16, 2020Copper Contributor
If I choose to only migrate a single host pool as a test, will running Complete-RdsHostPoolMigration delete all service objects created with the Fall 2019 release or just those associated with the host pool that was chosen for migration?
Is there a documented manual migration path that can be used to test before the PowerShell cmdlets are available?
Thank you.
- PavithraTMay 19, 2020Microsoft
Ed Stalcup If you choose to complete migration for only 1 hostpool, you just need to pass that hostpool as a parameter to the complete cmdlet and we will leave other hostpools as is.