Azure files: User storage quota management at directory level

Copper Contributor



For e.g. There are set of users accessing virtual desktop, who has been allocated 30 GB storage per user on azure files as Home Drive. If one user wants to increase the storage quota to 50 GB, currently there is no option other than to increase the size to 50 GB for all users. 


Is there a way we can manage individual quota as it is available for a typical windows file share. 


How is this managed in your environments/customers? As the increase in storage for all users (instead of individual users) leads to significant cost increase. 



2 Replies



Not sure if it can be managed under Azure Storage Account?

Hi workspaceuser,

I always use Azure Files (Premium tier) in combination with FSLogix profile containers (VHDX). VHDX-files are dynamic files that can be easily expanded.


Increasing the SizeInMBs value will always affect all users.


In 2210 (2.9.8361.52623) and later versions of FSLogix, VHD disk compaction is enabled by default. This feature will reduce the storage inside all FSLogix profile containers.