kusto query user login count by day/date range

Copper Contributor


I am working on a requirement to do the following:

  1. Need count of an user how many times they logged in by day for all 30 days or  date range 

    i have come up with a query to query off of the pageViews table..How do I modify this query so that when an entry gets added to the pageViews table and url = "/" then that is counted as a login.  curently, I am assuming that a session along with a userAuthenticated Id was enough but when i login and logout of app, once i log in again it is not creating a new entry in the table.

    //count of logins by unique sessions and date 1 a


    | extend DateOnly = format_datetime(timestamp, 'yyyy-MM-dd')

    | where timestamp between (datetime(2024-01-30) .. datetime(2024-02-02))

    |project user_AuthenticatedId, timestamp, session_Id, DateOnly

    | distinct session_Id, user_AuthenticatedId, DateOnly

    //where user_AuthenticatedId == '00479872'

    |summarize logins = count() by user_AuthenticatedId, endofday(todatetime(DateOnly))

    | extend CentralTime = datetime_utc_to_local(Column1, "US/Central")

    |project user_AuthenticatedId,  CentralTime = format_datetime(CentralTime, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), logins

    | where user_AuthenticatedId != '' and user_AuthenticatedId !startswith "T"

    | order by CentralTime, logins desc

    Thanks in advance.

2 Replies
SigninLogs | where UserId="UserObjectId" | where TimeGenerated >=startdate and TimeGenerated <= enddate | summarize count()
Hello, you have said: "but when i login and logout of app, once i log in again it is not creating a new entry in the table."

If there is no data for the re-login in the Table then you won't be able to query for it. Or have I misunderstood?