Do I need a new Log Analytics Workspace?

Copper Contributor

I do not know if this has been answered in a previous post as I do not find one.

I am in the process of migrating to the AMA agent and I am reusing the same Log Analytics workspace that was created for the old agent.

When I check the dashboards I see that the data is displaying for CPU. Mem and Disk usage on the VMs. 

However when I run the query to check the percent of Disk Space consumed I get no data back regardless of how small a time window I put in or the default available space.

So I am wondering if I need to create a new AMA log analytics workspace or if my query is wrong I started with the sample below just to get the initial free disk space and it returns nothing. 


// Virtual Machine free disk space
// Show the latest report of free disk space, per instance.
// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where ObjectName == "LogicalDisk" or // the object name used in Windows records
ObjectName == "Logical Disk" // the object name used in Linux records
| where CounterName == "Free Megabytes"
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by InstanceName // arg_max over TimeGenerated returns the latest record
| project TimeGenerated, InstanceName, CounterValue, Computer, _ResourceId

However   if I use the InsightMetrics I get the data.
| where Origin == ""
and Namespace == "LogicalDisk" and Name == "FreeSpacePercentage"
| extend Disk=tostring(todynamic(Tags)[""])
| summarize Disk_Free_Space = avg(Val) by Computer, Disk, _ResourceId
| project Computer, Disk, Disk_Free_Space

Is there a document that outlines what parts of the logs tables are the old Log Analytics and what are now under the AMA agents?

2 Replies
best response confirmed by Eric_Keown (Copper Contributor)
The data has been moving for a while now (and I think the FAQ was removed), but this article may help

@Clive_Watson Thank you this helps immensely, I appreciate your quick reply. 

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Eric_Keown (Copper Contributor)
The data has been moving for a while now (and I think the FAQ was removed), but this article may help

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