Log Analytics continues it's journey to improve and fine tune our experiences.
One of the core Log Analytics experiences is the ability to save, share and re-use queries.
We have recently invested in updating and upgrading our query experience with a new modern UI.
Today we are happy to announce that all of our query experiences will be consolidated in the same UI - allowing a single experience for all types of queries in Logs.
Query Explorer
Query explorer's functionality is now available in our new query experience only.
The query explorer experience is fully replaced by the new UI.
Please note, there's no change to any of the API experiences - so everything 'simply works', there's no investment nor changes needed to enable the new experiences.
The new Query Experiences
All Log Analytics experiences have been consolidated to a new, modern UI in the Logs blade.
See the following articles for additional details:
1. Log Analytics Legacy Queries in the new Query UI
2. Legacy Queries Save/Edit Experience
Query packs
Alongside supporting our Legacy Queries, the team has recently introduced a new way for saving, sharing and managing queries in Log Analytics- Query packs.
Using Query packs to save and manage your queries has a lot of advantages over using Legacy Queries. to name a few:
1. Resource centric queries - Legacy Queries only work in Log Analytics workspaces and Application insights and are attached only to one workspaces/AI component. Query packs may be used in all Log Analytics context and may be shared between different resources.
2. Rich metadata and smart filtering - Query packs queries contain rich metadata allowing more control over the queries and easier management and discovery experiences.
3. Enhanced security - Query packs are ARM objects. As such, you may manage access and security at the query pack level
4. Manage queries using code - Query packs API supports advanced deployment and management of your query packs and queries.
We recommend using query packs to manage your Log Analytics queries.
To learn more about query packs - click here.
We appreciate your feedback! comment on this blog post and let us know what you think of the this change.
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Updated Apr 08, 2022
Version 2.0RoyGal
Joined January 27, 2019
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