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Azure Maps Blog

Azure Maps Routing, A to B and so much more!

IoTGirl's avatar
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Jul 22, 2021

As you might expect, in offering a Routing API, Azure Maps covers the basics as noted on our product page:

Present the shortest or fastest routes available – to multiple destinations at a time – or provide  routes and facts for walkers, cyclists and commercial vehicles. Optimize route calculations with isochrones, matrix routing and batch routing.”

But you can really do so much more if you add just another dimension to the scenario:




Add elevation to your route:


Now you can search for the fastest route and more! You might also decide that choosing a route with the least elevation change might be a more beneficial option to reduce the amount of fuel used in a traditional engine, use less stored energy for an electric vehicle or saving wear and tear on yourself if pedaling a bicycle from A to B

Add a range to your route:


This option is amazing for scenarios like “What restaurants are within 10 minutes from my home?” or “Where is the closest fuel station within the distance I can travel with the fuel that is in my car right now?





Add & filter data along your route:


I have been building my own list of fruit trees within my neighborhood and I can now filter them based on season and location.  Using Azure Maps, I can either create an optimized route to pass by certain trees at certain times or I can see which ones I can visit while on a route I was planning to take from A to B.

Search for POIs along route:


POI, or Points of Interest, can be anything from a business, such as a restaurant or fueling station, to a national monument, such as the Space Needle or Statue of Liberty.  Whether you are looking just for a place to eat or make an epic family trip, Azure Maps can help you realize where these important locations are relative to the experience you are building.




To see more great examples of how Azure Maps Routes can be used in so many more ways that you expected, Check out Azure Maps Web SDK Samples (

Tutorial: Tutorial: Route electric vehicles by using Azure Notebooks (Python) with Microsoft Azure Maps | Microsoft Docs




Thank you for checking out Azure Maps Route APIs. All of the samples above are directly accessible through the links and have Github repositories for you to leverage the sample code within your solutions.  If you need any assistance or have any questions feel free to post them in our Q&A section, we are here to help!

Updated Aug 26, 2021
Version 2.0
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