Where is Biztalk Adapter Sample Code?

Copper Contributor

Samples has been removed from Biztalk 2020, as metioned What's New in BizTalk Server 2020 - BizTalk Server | Microsoft Docs 


While, I found sample documents from Biztalk 2016 Adapter Pack.

Samples for Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for SQL Server are categorized into:
BizTalk Server samples
WCF service model samples
WCF channel model samples
The samples are available at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=196854.The SQL scripts for creating the objects used in the samples, such as database, tables, procedures, etc., are also available along with the samples.

But the url http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=196854 actually does not work.


Could anyone know where is the sample code?



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