Logic Apps Mission Critical Series: "We Speak: IBM DB2"
Published Jun 21 2023 11:00 AM 5,661 Views

In this session, we continue with the "We Speak", Mission Critical Series with an episode on how Azure Logic Apps can unlock scenarios that require integration with IBM DB2 Systems. This presentation covers a demo of the IBM DB2 Built-in (In App) connector in Azure Logic Apps.


IBM DB2 is a relational database created in 1983. Since then, It has been running in multiple mission critical environments.


The DB2 Built-in (In App) connector enables connections between Azure Logic App workflows to IBM DB2 Databases that are either on premises or in Azure. It offers enterprise IT professionals and developers direct access to vital information stored in IBM DB2 database management systems. The DB2 connector preserves the core DB2 client features provided by Host Integration Server to our Mission Critical customers for more than 20 years.





The following video includes a complete demonstration of the DB2 connector:


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Last update:
‎Jul 12 2023 08:31 AM
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