Lesson Learned #233: What? .... How much time you said?
Published Aug 10 2022 07:00 PM 1,985 Views

We usually have service requests when our customers, using different drivers, need to know the connection latency, execution time spent or validate the connection.


For this reason, I developed this small PowerShell script  (based on initiative of AzureSQLConnectivityChecker in multiple languages) which will basically connect to the database using 4 drivers/providers and test this.


Under this initiative we are going to share several scripts developed in Java, PHP, Python, C# and PowerShell to explain these details: 


Today, we started with SQLConnectivityTestMultiDriver.ps1 PowerShell Script and you are going to be able to:


  • Connect using the drivers: Net SqlClient, ODBC 17, OLEDB and MSOLEDBSQL.
  • In every interaction, you could obtain:
    • Connectivity latency.
    • Time invested in the execution of each query.
    • Average time spent on connectivity and per query.
    • How many ports the customer application has (1433,11000-12000 and others).
    • Check if the DNS is resolving correct IP. 


I hope it you could find useful for your connectivity and query execution test. 


Here are the main details:


  • Parameters, if you don't specify any of them, PowerShell Script will ask the value and check it.
    • $DatabaseServer, will be the server name to connect. 
    • $Database, will be the database name to connect.
    • $Username, user name to connect
    • $passwordSecure, password. 
    • $NumberExecutions, how many executions that you want to run. 
    • $LogFile, will be the log file that all operations will be saved. If this file is not specify, the application will ask the location. 
    • $Driver to use, the values are: 
      • SQLCLIENT for .NET SQL Client.
      • ODBC
      • SQLOLEDB
    • $InputFile, will be the different TSQL that you want to use. This file needs to contain per line the TSQL to execute. If you don't specify it, we are going to use SELECT 1. For example,:


SELECT count(Id) FROM PerformanceVarcharnVarchar Where TextToSearch = N'Test Search ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(200),RAND()*(2000000-10000)+10000) OPTION (MAXDOP 1)



  • Outcome:
    • In the $LogFile you are going to have all the results and summary about connection and execution spent, for example, 


2022-08-11 03:33:15 Driver: SQLOLEDB
2022-08-11 03:33:15 Connecting to the database: servername.database.windows.net - DB: dbname...Attempt #1 of 5 - IP:
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Connected to the database in (ms):324.1887 - Provider:SQLOLEDB -- HostName: Server Version:12.00.0312
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Total Connections Failed : 0
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Total Connections Success: 1
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Total Connections ms : 324
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Ports Count : 1433 0 (0) 11xx: (0) Others:(215)
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Ports Status:
2022-08-11 03:33:16 ---->Established (207)
2022-08-11 03:33:16 ---->TimeWait (5)
2022-08-11 03:33:16 ---->SynSent (2)
2022-08-11 03:33:16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Query : SELECT 1
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Iteration : 1 Query 1 / 2
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Time required (ms) : 41,416
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Query Commands Failed : 0
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Query Commands Success: 1
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Query Commands ms : 41
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Total Commands Failed : 0
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Total Commands Success: 1
2022-08-11 03:33:16 TotalCommands ms : 41
2022-08-11 03:33:16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Query : SELECT count(Id) FROM PerformanceVarcharnVarchar Where TextToSearch = N'Test Search ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(200),RAND()*(2000000-10000)+10000) OPTION (MAXDOP 1)
2022-08-11 03:33:16 Iteration : 1 Query 2 / 2
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Time required (ms) : 473,7891
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Query Commands Failed : 0
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Query Commands Success: 1
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Query Commands ms : 474
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Total Commands Failed : 0
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Total Commands Success: 2
2022-08-11 03:33:17 TotalCommands ms : 257,5
2022-08-11 03:33:17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Connecting to the database: servername.database.windows.net - DB: databasena...Attempt #1 of 5 - IP:
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Connected to the database in (ms):0 - Provider:SQLOLEDB -- HostName: Server Version:12.00.0312
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Total Connections Failed : 0
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Total Connections Success: 2
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Total Connections ms : 162
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Ports Count : 1433 0 (0) 11xx: (0) Others:(215)
2022-08-11 03:33:17 Ports Status:
2022-08-11 03:33:17 ---->Established (207)
2022-08-11 03:33:17 ---->TimeWait (5)
2022-08-11 03:33:17 ---->SynSent (2)

2022-08-11 03:38:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-08-11 03:38:00 Query : SELECT count(Id) FROM PerformanceVarcharnVarchar Where TextToSearch = N'Test Search ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(200),RAND()*(2000000-10000)+10000) OPTION (MAXDOP 1)
2022-08-11 03:38:00 Iteration : 200 Query 2 / 2
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Time required (ms) : 501,1269
2022-08-11 03:38:01 NetworkServerTime (ms): 535
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Execution Time (ms) : 535
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Connection Time : 1068
2022-08-11 03:38:01 ServerRoundTrips : 2
2022-08-11 03:38:01 BuffersReceived : 2
2022-08-11 03:38:01 SelectRows : 2
2022-08-11 03:38:01 SelectCount : 2
2022-08-11 03:38:01 BytesSent : 390
2022-08-11 03:38:01 BytesReceived : 86
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Query Commands Failed : 0
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Query Commands Success: 200
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Query Commands ms : 204,575
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Commands Failed : 0
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Commands Success: 400
2022-08-11 03:38:01 TotalCommands ms : 120,0725
2022-08-11 03:38:01 -------------------------------------- SUMMARY -----------------------------------------------------------------
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Connections Failed :0
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Connections Success:200
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Connections Avg ms :2,515
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Number Executions :200
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Number Queries :2
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Number Process :400
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Commands Failed :0
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Commands Success :400
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Commands ms :120,0725
2022-08-11 03:38:01 ------------------- Queries SummarySELECT count(Id) FROM PerformanceVarcharnVarchar Where TextToSearch = N'Test Search ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(200),RAND()*(2000000-10000)+10000) OPTION (MAXDOP 1)
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Query # :SELECT 1
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Commands Failed :0
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Commands Success:200
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Commands ms :35,57
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Query # :SELECT count(Id) FROM PerformanceVarcharnVarchar Where TextToSearch = N'Test Search ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(200),RAND()*(2000000-10000)+10000) OPTION (MAXDOP 1)
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Commands Failed :0
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Commands Success:200
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Total Commands ms :204,575
2022-08-11 03:38:01 Review: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/data/adonet/sql/provider-statistics-for-sql-server
2022-08-11 03:38:01 -------------------------------------- SUMMARY -----------------------------------------------------------------


  • How to use this PowerShell Script. 
    • Download the file TSQL.SQL and PowerShell Script. 
    • Fill up the parameters or type the value of the parameters in interactive way.
    • Choose the driver using the following screen:




Version history
Last update:
‎Aug 19 2022 05:02 PM
Updated by: