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Dev Channel update to 135.0.3168.2 is live.
Hello Insiders! We released 135.0.3168.2 to the Dev channel! Mobile also released with a version bump 135.0.3173.0! The release includes numerous fixes. For more details on the changes, check out the highlights below. Introducing our new and improved Edge Add-ons website - Microsoft Edge Blog Added Features: Added the browser icon to the update menu item. Added the Adjust campaign to the extension hub. Improved Behavior: Resolved an issue where a saved tab group caused the browser to crash. Resolved an issue where the browser would crash after clicking on the Feedback icon in Guest Mode. Fixed an issue where selecting 'Clear data' when logging out of an MSA account caused a crash on iOS. Fixed an issue where a crash occurred while loading FRE/Soft FRE in incognito mode Changed Behavior: Resolved an issue where the Copilot side pane would not close when the new tab page was closed without interacting with the auto-opened side pane. Resolved an issue where tabs could not be closed by clicking the mouse scroll wheel in the Game Assist browser. iOS: Resolved an issue where; after reconnecting the VPN, it was not possible to continue chatting in the same chat on iOS. Fixed an issue when switching to landscape mode on iOS caused increased spacing when only news was displayed. Fixed an issue when reading aloud was not working on iOS. Android: Fixed an issue where online PDFs did not zoom in and out smoothly on Android. Fixed an issue where browser automatically switched to the user's work profile on Android. Mac: Fixed an issue where the experience of the flash welcome page was suboptimal on Mac. Fixed an issue where 'Create account' should be displayed instead of 'Sign in to sync' when no account is detected during FRE on Mac. See an issue that you think might be a bug? Remember to send that directly through the in-app feedback by heading to the ... menu > Help and feedback > Send feedback and include diagnostics so the team can investigate. Thanks again for sending us feedback and helping us improve our Insider builds. ~GouriGouri_MurmuMar 10, 2025Microsoft158Views0likes3CommentsDev Channel update to 135.0.3154.3 is live.
Hello Insiders! We released 135.0.3154.3 to the Dev channel! This includes numerous fixes. For more details on the changes, check out the highlights below. Microsoft Edge for Business: Edge management service training for partners - YouTube Microsoft Edge for Business: Protect your customers from cyber threats - YouTube Added Features: Added a feature to display the active tab in collapsed groups. Improved Behavior: Resolved an issue where the browser would crash silently when attempting to leave a workspace. Resolved an issue where browser would crash when searching for any content to enter a webpage and long pressing the address bar on Android. Changed Behavior: Resolved an issue where the 'Show Vision experience from Copilot Labs' option was not appearing on the Copilot page in the settings web UI. Resolved an issue where some toolbar icons were hidden after taking actions in the 'More Options' menu in split screen. Resolved an issue where custom colors did not persist on browser relaunch under the tab groups color picker. iOS: Resolved an issue where top sites with custom letter icons on the 'Replace' panel did not load immediately on iOS. Resolved an issue where top sites would flash when switching from Focus/Inspirational mode to Custom mode on iOS. Resolved an issue where, after switching wallpapers, the NTP wallpaper would not change on iOS. Mac: Resolved an issue where, after selecting Firefox to import data, the data displayed was that of Safari on Mac. Android: Resolved an issue where preset top sites' images were not displayed on the 'Replace' panel when there was no internet connection on Android. Resolved an issue where most extensions were unable to display the full panel in a normal tab on Android. Resolved an issue where a line was visible between the PDF toolbar and the address bar on Android. Resolved an issue where a download pop-up box would appear when clicking on an offline PDF from the download hub on Android. See an issue that you think might be a bug? Remember to send that directly through the in-app feedback by heading to the ... menu > Help and feedback > Send feedback and include diagnostics so the team can investigate. Thanks again for sending us feedback and helping us improve our Insider builds. ~GouriGouri_MurmuFeb 28, 2025Microsoft222Views0likes1CommentSwitch profiles in web apps
Today, we’re launching an experience experiment for sites or Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that are installed as apps on your desktop. This is on by default if you are using Windows 10 version 2004 or newer. If you install the same site or PWA on more than one Edge profile, we’ve introduced a profile switcher on the application title bar to switch between profiles from within your app. With this experiment, you’ll only see one application tile in Windows for that application. Also, when the application starts, it uses the last profile used by the application. To switch between profiles in your application, perform the following steps: 1. Locate the profile icon on the title bar of your application, and select it. 2. Now, simply select the other profile to use. 3. Confirm that a second application window starts with the selected profile. Note: The profile switcher in the title bar only displays when you have the same app installed on more than one profile. We’re looking for feedback on this feature. Here are a couple of questions for you: Do you prefer to have your app display as one application in Windows, and switch using this experimental method described above? Do you prefer to have distinct applications installed on Windows for each profile you install the app with? This would mean you could have multiple application tiles/icons in Start, the Taskbar or on your desktop. Would you prefer to choose your default profile each time you install a new application? We’d love to hear from you. Please send feedback using the “Send Feedback” feature (Alt + Shift + I) from within Microsoft Edge.josh_bodnerFeb 27, 2025Microsoft9.5KViews6likes7CommentsDev Channel update to 135.0.3140.0 is live.
Hello Insiders! We released 135.0.3140.0 to the Dev channel! Mobile was also released with a version bump 135.0.3143.0! The release includes numerous fixes. For more details on the changes, check out the highlights below. Introducing CoreAI – Platform and Tools - The Official Microsoft Blog Added Features: Included a reflow button in the address bar on Android. Improved Behavior: Resolved an issue where browser would crash upon opening after being killed on Android. Resolved an issue where the browser would crash when clicking on the address bar after signing in with an AAD account. Changed Behavior: Resolved an issue where the 'Checking for updates' message continued to display after clicking the Restart button to update the version in Settings WebUI2. Addressed an issue where the 'Show Vision experience from Copilot Labs' option was not appearing on the Copilot page under the Appearance section of Settings in WebUI2. Resolved an issue where, in Split screen mode, selecting the 'Separate two tabs' option would close one tab in the split window. iOS: Resolved an issue where the Expand/Retract Custom List and Top Sites would flash in the custom layout on iOS. Resolved an issue where scrolling down Top Sites in landscape mode on iOS caused the 'News and More' section to remain visible. Resolved an issue where the Amazon icon displayed inconsistently in the 'Most Visited' and 'Popular Websites' sections on the 'Add to Home' page on iOS. Android: Resolved an issue where the icon and title of the MSA account and Rewards should align horizontally on Android. Resolved an issue where the address bar only displayed the bottom part on the Appearance page in settings on Android. Resolved an issue where the Top Sites would move down during the added animation when opening a new tab page in landscape mode on Android. Resolved an issue where Talkback remained silent when double-tapping the 'Developer Mode' button on Android. Resolved an issue where the initialization process got stuck on 'Setting up sync...' when signing in with AAD on FRE. Resolved an issue where switching to dark or light mode in landscape and then switching to portrait mode simultaneously caused the bottom bar to be out of order and the top status bar to display with a background color. Mac: Resolved an issue where the new FRE window could be dragged to resize on Mac. Linux: Resolved an issue preventing the setting of Light/Dark mode on Linux. See an issue that you think might be a bug? Remember to send that directly through the in-app feedback by heading to the ... menu > Help and feedback > Send feedback and include diagnostics so the team can investigate. Thanks again for sending us feedback and helping us improve our Insider builds. ~GouriGouri_MurmuFeb 20, 2025Microsoft133Views0likes0CommentsDev Channel update to 134.0.3124.5 is live.
Hello Insiders! We released 134.0.3124.5 to the Dev channel! This includes numerous fixes. For more details on the changes, check out the highlights below. Control your installed web application title - Windows Blogs How real-world businesses are transforming with AI - with 50 new stories - The Official Microsoft Blog Added Features: Added a Color and Image Tab to the Settings Theme Page. Implemented Print Preview Settings in webui2. Improved Behavior: Resolved an issue where the browser crashes when switching from the default profile to the guest profile in the search bar. Resolved an issue causing a crash when switching between dark and light themes in picture-in-picture mode on Android Changed Behavior: Resolved an issue where the Sites list would become hidden after performing operations like adding, editing, or removing sites, as well as clicking the "Use all open tabs" button on sites. Resolved an issue where the tab search box background color was too dark in dark mode within the tab center. Resolved an issue where toggling the title bar caused misalignment issues in the tab center. Resolved an issue in the settings web UI where radio buttons within a radio group should be navigable using arrow keys instead of the tab key. Resolved an issue in Browser Essentials where the 'Thank You' response popups for the like and dislike buttons were overlapping. Resolved an issue where the Family Safety tooltip was missing links in the web UI. Resolved an issue where the background of the 'Send invite email' button appeared incorrectly when it received focus in high contrast mode within workspaces. Resolved an issue where the 'Table of contents' static text did not adapt to hover text in the browser PDF reader. Resolved an issue where focus was lost after clicking the close button in the search box within the tab center. Mac: Resolved an issue where the 'Manage Certificates' tab was missing under the 'Security' module on Mac. Android: Resolved an issue where the wallpaper failed to display in the wallpaper center after a browser upgrade on Android. See an issue that you think might be a bug? Remember to send that directly through the in-app feedback by heading to the ... menu > Help and feedback > Send feedback and include diagnostics so the team can investigate. Thanks again for sending us feedback and helping us improve our Insider builds. ~GouriGouri_MurmuFeb 15, 2025Microsoft526Views0likes3CommentsMicrosoft Edge Read aloud: Now with PDF support
Greetings Insiders, Many people use the Read aloud feature in Microsoft Edge as a daily driver. It is super convenient to just pop in an earbud and listen to content while doing something else. Not just that, Read aloud helps auditory and visual learners to focus on content and learn more efficiently. Read aloud is currently available in Immersive Reader and for webpages—today, we are excited to announce that we are extending support to PDF files. Read aloud for PDFs is now available for everyone on the latest Canary and Dev builds and will be coming to Beta in early June. Try it out To access Read aloud, open any PDF file in Microsoft Edge from your computer or from the web. In the toolbar along the top, you will see “Read aloud” as an option. Click/tap on this button to start. Microsoft Edge will start at the beginning and highlight each word as it goes along. You can control the reading speed and choose your favorite voice via the "Voice options" menu from the toolbar at the top of the page. You can also play/pause the reading and skip ahead/go back a paragraph at your own pace. Read aloud is also available on any webpage–simply highlight a piece of text, right click, and select "Read aloud" from the menu. (For shortcut lovers out there, you can launch Read aloud with Ctrl+Shift+U). You can access Read aloud through Immersive Reader as well. Open Immersive Reader from the address bar and select “Real aloud” from the toolbar. Why? Whether you're a tech insider or a casual user, Read aloud can help improve your reading experience. Reduce reading fatigue: Do your eyes get tired from reading page after page? Read aloud lets you step away from the screen. It's like an audiobook but for emails, important documents, or webpages. Enhanced engagement with content: Read aloud helps you read while performing other tasks. Listen to a recipe as you cook and then to your favorite blog while you eat. Do you have limited time? Increase the playback speed and hear the content at your own pace. Catch typos and grammar mistakes: Sometimes all it takes to catch a spelling mistake or a grammar issue in your writing is to have someone else read it back to you. Read aloud is your new friend for proofreading that is available anytime, anywhere. Education and accessibility: For people learning to read, Read aloud can help with reading comprehension. Additionally, Read aloud can help with pronunciation if you stumble across a new or unfamiliar word. Support for more natural voices You can customize your Read aloud experience by choosing from a variety of voice options. Powered by Text to Speech, Read aloud provides lifelike, natural-sounding voices that are easy to understand and enjoyable to listen to. Online and offline support Read aloud is available in both online and offline modes—if you’re in an area without an internet connection, this can be particularly handy. A basic set of voice options is made available when offline. For the full set of voice options, internet connectivity is needed. Share your feedback We are always looking for ways to improve this feature for you. Give it a try on a webpage, Immersive Reader, or a PDF and let us know what you think! - The Microsoft Edge Product TeamDeletedFeb 15, 2025126KViews14likes37CommentsDev Channel update to 134.0.3109.0 is live.
Hello Insiders! We released 134.0.3109.0 to the Dev channel! This includes numerous fixes. For more details on the changes, check out the highlights below. Better text contrast for all Chromium-based browsers on Windows - Microsoft Edge Blog Introducing "Grounding with Bing Search" in Azure AI Agent Service - Microsoft Bing Blogs Added Features: Added a settings bar with a header and footer for print preview in webui2. Improved Behavior: Resolved an issue where browser crashes when the pop-up menu with the Side Pane is open and the Favorites icon in the toolbar is clicked. Resolved an issue where clicking 'Open a new private tab' or '+' on the bottom bar to create an InPrivate tab caused browser to crash in the tab center on iOS. Changed Behavior: Resolved an issue where all buttons on the right side of the toolbar disappeared when cancelling a drag and drop tab in split screen. Resolved an issue where, in Tab Center's transient mode, the dragged selection would 'snap' to the top of the vertical tab strip when the mouse got within one or two tabs of the top. Resolved an issue where the keyboard focus was not visible on the checkboxes in various dialogs in settings webui2. Mac: Resolved an issue where clicking 'Import data from Firefox' had no response on Mac. Resolved an issue where the shortcut key changed to 'Command + Ctrl + Shift + S' could not be modified or used on Mac. iOS: Resolved an issue where, when the address bar is at the bottom, swiping up caused the phone's time and battery to overlay the NTP content on iOS. Resolved an issue where a fade-in animation appeared at the bottom when opening the Camera on iOS. Resolved an issue where Favorites displayed abnormally, and the search box was unclickable on iOS. Android: Resolved an issue where, in the top sites' edit mode, the keyboard disappears after exiting the 'NTP+' page on Android. Resolved an issue where browser did not automatically sign in when in Shared device mode on Android devices. See an issue that you think might be a bug? Remember to send that directly through the in-app feedback by heading to the ... menu > Help and feedback > Send feedback and include diagnostics so the team can investigate. Thanks again for sending us feedback and helping us improve our Insider builds. ~GouriGouri_MurmuFeb 06, 2025Microsoft291Views0likes0CommentsDev Channel update to 134.0.3096.1 is live.
Welcome back! We released 134.0.3096.1 to the Dev channel! This includes numerous fixes. For more details on the changes, check out the highlights below. Stand up to scareware with scareware blocker, now available in preview in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge Blog Added Features: Added a 'Restart Now' button to the Browser Essentials. Added the 'Create new workspace' option to the tab actions menu (TAM) button in the title bar. Improved Behavior: Resolved an issue where browser would crash when opening the rewards page on two identical browser windows simultaneously in Split View or Slide Over mode. Resolved an issue where the browser would crash when moving a favorite to the last position on the Favorites Bar using the keyboard. Changed Behavior: Fixed an issue where the focus order in the Split Button within Tab center was incorrect. Fixed an issue where no options were available under ‘Set what the home button opens below’ in the Start, Home, and New Tab pages. Resolved an issue where the Internet Explorer mode icon in Settings differed from the icon in the toolbar within the Settings WebUI2. Resolved an issue where the role of the 'Share link' button should be read as a button, not a group, in workspaces. Resolved an issue where; after switching the settings page, the startup could not display the changed settings in the Start, Home, and New Tab pages. Resolved an issue where the Hide/Show title bar feature was not functioning in the tab center. Resolved an issue by reducing the minimum size of the Game Assist widget. Resolved an issue where matches in the header description were highlighted initially but lost their highlight after scrolling down in search mode in settings webui2. Resolved an issue where the keyboard focus order was incorrect after invoking the 'Go back to tracking prevention page' button on the 'Blocked trackers' page in edge://settings/profiles. Resolved an issue where the Copilot icon should be used in the grab bar in Copilot vision. Resolved an issue when clicking the 'Clear browsing data for Internet Explorer mode' or 'sign out first' link from the Delete browsing data dialog in Privacy, search, and services opened a blank settings page. Resolved an issue where the transient mode in Tab center was made persistent. See an issue that you think might be a bug? Remember to send that directly through the in-app feedback by heading to the ... menu > Help and feedback > Send feedback and include diagnostics so the team can investigate. Thanks again for sending us feedback and helping us improve our Insider builds. ~GouriGouri_MurmuFeb 04, 2025Microsoft292Views0likes1CommentAutofill in Microsoft Edge
Autofill of forms is a feature familiar to most Microsoft Edge customers (or for that matter, users of most modern browsers). In the next version of Microsoft Edge too, you can expect the browser to remember your passwords for all your favorite websites and help you fill in your address and credit card details with one-click whenever you come across these forms online. In this post, we will cover some of these features that you’ve come to depend on and use in your everyday life. View and Delete passwords within Microsoft Edge itself Earlier, one needed to go to Windows Settings > Credentials Manager to view and delete saved passwords. Now this functionality is available within Microsoft Edge browser itself. You can View (after authenticating) and Delete your saved passwords in Settings > Profiles > Passwords. Autofill suggestions made more usable These changes have been made to improve the form suggestions experience. Full preview of address data with field highlighting Filling an address form can sometimes involve effort even with autofill, especially when you have multiple similar addresses saved. Microsoft Edge lets you preview your autofill data for all suggestions within the same dropdown itself, making it easier to choose the right address to fill. To help you quickly select the autofill suggestion, the value corresponding to the field currently in focus is highlighted in the suggestions. Ease of access for credentials In login forms, Microsoft Edge now offers the ability to choose a credential pair both from the username field as well as the password field. Browser data import for a seamless transition A possible roadblock to try out a new browser is the unavailability of data that’s important to you, such as your favorites, passwords and other autofill data. Microsoft Edge smoothly overcomes this hurdle by making your passwords, payment info and addresses available right from the first launch. Upon browser setup, you may choose to keep your data from another browser. If so, you will find all your form data under Settings > Profile and you can manage your data as needed. If you have credit cards that are linked to your Microsoft account, you will not be able to view them yet in the autofill interface. This will be available soon. There is also an option to import all your autofill data on-demand, again through Settings > Profile. Remember that your existing data set will be replaced by the new data you import. Sync autofill data across your devices Work on syncing data across different devices is currently underway – expect these changes to reflect in the upcoming builds. Control over your autofill data As a Microsoft Edge user, you have full control on the autofill feature as well as your autofill data. It is important to us that you can easily view, delete and manage your personal data at any point of time. You can also enable/disable the whole feature for passwords, payment info and addresses, respectively. Looking ahead This is just the beginning. We know that your time is super valuable. And every second that we spare you from typing out your details each time you shop online, or every bit of mind space we free up from remembering a complex password, counts. Which is why, in the new Microsoft Edge it is important that you get a reliable autofill experience that works intuitively whenever you come across a form on the web. And to get there, we need your help. You can help us by sharing examples of areas where autofill in Microsoft Edge can do better. We look forward to your inputs!Elliot KirkJan 29, 2025Microsoft64KViews14likes77CommentsDev Channel update to 134.0.3081.2 is live.
Hello Insiders! We released 134.0.3081.2 to the Dev channel! This includes numerous fixes. For more details on the changes, check out the highlights below. Introducing CoreAI – Platform and Tools - The Official Microsoft Blog Microsoft and OpenAI evolve partnership to drive the next phase of AI - The Official Microsoft Blog Previewing Improved Windows Search on Copilot+ PCs with Windows Insiders in the Dev Channel - Windows Blogs Added Features: Implemented changes to show color names as tooltips when hovering over color swatches on the themes page. Added new strings to prepare for the page summary feature in Copilot. Improved Behavior: Resolved an issue where browser crashes when changing permissions for ‘Insecure content’ in Privacy, Search, and Services settings in the web UI. Changed Behavior: Fixed an issue where the page should not scroll when renaming items in favorites. Resolved an issue where the ‘Display Microsoft Edge in this language’ button was not available in the settings web UI. Resolved an issue where clicking ‘Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode’ in the appearance settings would display a blank screen in the web UI. Resolved an issue where the ‘Show tab actions menu’ setting was not correctly honored in Horizontal Tabs by the Tab Center button. Resolved an issue where the ‘Create new tab group’ popup did not display a grey background color for the select option element on hover under tab groups. Resolved an issue when clicking the icon in the omnibox in the Game Assist browser did not display site information. Mac: Resolved an issue where the close button in the ‘Invite Collaborators’ dialog did not adapt to hover text on Mac. Resolved an issue where the composer could not be interacted with on Mac in full screen mode. Resolved an issue where the welcome page was loading too slowly on Mac. Android: Resolved an issue where the ‘No internet connection’ dialog covered the avatar and weather icons on Android. Resolved an issue where, after closing the NTP banner, it would flash once and then disappear on Android. iOS: Resolved an issue where creating a new tab in landscape mode on iOS caused ‘News and more’ to return to its original position from the bottom. Resolved an issue where the background would switch between landscape and portrait modes on the Event page center in iOS. See an issue that you think might be a bug? Remember to send that directly through the in-app feedback by heading to the ... menu > Help and feedback > Send feedback and include diagnostics so the team can investigate. Thanks again for sending us feedback and helping us improve our Insider builds. ~GouriGouri_MurmuJan 26, 2025Microsoft666Views1like1Comment
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