Forum Discussion

kamaljeet-kharbanda's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 21, 2024

Evaluation- Azure OpenAI Deployments: Failed to fetch Azure OpenAI deployments for connection

i am able to test my deployment in playground with my own data but now when trying to evaluate model metrics getting this error "Azure OpenAI Deployments: Failed to fetch Azure OpenAI deployments for connection". any idea how to fix?


  • user_2429799's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    In the chat playground, you could use the curl code snippet and check if connectivity works. This can help rule out the option with connectivity if it is successful.
      • user_2429799's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        It might be some issues with network connectivity issues, incorrect configuration settings, or issues with the Azure OpenAI service itself.
        If you create a new deployment,tested it in the playground and then go for evaluation, does that fix the issue?
