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Enhance Large Language Models (LLM)/Azure OpenAI Performance and Cost Efficiency
Basic techniques to optimize performance and cost efficiency of Large Language Models (LLM) in Azure OpenAI.
Selection of Optimal Models:
Choosing the right model is crucial for achieving the best performance. This involves understanding the capabilities of each model and selecting the one that best suits the task at hand. Factors to consider include the model's language capabilities, its ability to generate creative content, and its performance on tasks similar to the one you're working on.
Enhancing Prompts:
The quality of the prompts you provide to the model can significantly impact its performance. A well-crafted prompt can guide the model to generate more relevant and useful responses. This might involve specifying the format you want the answer in, or asking the model to think step-by-step or debate pros and cons before settling on an answer.
Controlling Call Rates:
To optimize costs and performance, it's important to manage the rate at which you make API calls. This involves understanding the rate limits of the API and designing your application to stay within these limits. You might need to implement a queuing system or use exponential backoff in case of rate limit errors.
Provisioned Throughput Units (PTUs):
PTUs allow you to reserve capacity for your application, ensuring consistent performance even during peak times. By correctly provisioning PTUs, you can balance cost and performance to meet your application's needs.
Integration with Networks and Security:
Azure OpenAI can be integrated with your existing network and security infrastructure. This might involve setting up Virtual Networks, using Private Link for secure communication, and managing access with Azure Active Directory.
Integration with Data Sources and Cognitive Enterprise Search:
Azure OpenAI can be used in conjunction with various data sources and Azure's Cognitive Search service. This allows you to build powerful applications that can search through large amounts of data, understand it, and generate human-like text based on it.
Efficient Search using Vector Search:
Vector search is a method of retrieving information that involves converting text into high-dimensional vectors and searching for similar vectors. This can be much more efficient than traditional search methods, especially for large datasets. Azure OpenAI includes support for vector search, allowing you to build efficient, AI-powered search applications.
Utilizing Agent Pools for Different Tasks:
Agent pools are a powerful feature that allows you to manage and distribute workloads across different resources. By creating separate agent pools for different tasks, you can ensure that each task has the resources it needs to run efficiently. This can help to optimize performance and reduce costs.
Use Clear Meta Prompts and System Messages for Desired Outputs:
Meta prompts and system messages play a crucial role in guiding the AI to produce the desired outputs. A meta prompt is a directive that instructs the AI on the format or type of response required.
Use AI model combination for simple tasks and LLM for complex tasks:
Different AI models have different strengths and capabilities. For simple tasks, such as answering straightforward questions or generating short pieces of text, a combination of smaller, specialized AI models might be sufficient. These models can be faster and more efficient than larger models, and can often produce high-quality results for simple tasks.