Custom Skills

Copper Contributor

I would like more information on how to implement custom skills or customize something like the keyphrase skill. In particular how we can refine or use machine learning to make search smarter by tuning the results based on previous searches and adding things like synonyms to them. I like the way that Power BI Q&A works and when you go into the settings you can configure many things

1 Reply

@Scott Giesbrecht 


1. As far as creating, custom skills, please check this presentation:

2. There are no ways to configure the key-phrase extractor though.


3. You can track query traffic. This page shows how track it and visualize patterns in PowerBI.
Telemetry for search traffic analytics - Azure Cognitive Search | Microsoft Docs

This could be helpful for instance if you want to tweak  you synonym map based on queries you see that did not return any results for instance.



-Luis Cabrera, Azure Cognitive Search Team