121 TopicsMicrosoft Remote Desktop for Mac repeatedly forgets Windows 365 workspace
In the last week or so, I have repeatedly had to re-add the workspace URL for Windows 365 (the "subscription URL" collected from to Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac. The issue started with the previous version of the app, but has continued to happen about once-a-day since installing the latest version (10.9.0 build 2140) from the Mac App Store. Every time the workspace is re-added, it needs to be reauthorized by signing in via OAuth again and any custom settings for the workspace need to be reconfigured. Is this a known issue or am I the lone recipient of this particular cosmic annoyance? π7.8KViews21likes18CommentsMicrosoft Remote Desktop for Mac - Copy and paste works a while then fails
Using Mac OS X 12.6.8 and Remote Desktop 10.9.2. Beginning two versions back (10.9.0?), copy and paste works for a while after launching RD, but it eventually fails when copying from the remote machine to the local Mac. The failure manifests as a spinning beach ball in the application I'm pasting into. The paste operation eventually times out, but the quickest way to recover is to quit Remote Desktop and start the whole operation over again with the copy.4.5KViews22likes19CommentsMAC REMOTE DESKTOP Error code: 0x407
MICROSOFT JUST UPDATED REMOTE DEKTOP to version 10.8.1 but I just keep getting the same Error code: 0x407 Your session ended because of a data encryption error. If this keeps happening, contact your network administrator for assistance. Anybody has the same problem?4.4KViews0likes5CommentsCertificates are cached too aggressively in RD Web Client
We use the RD Web Client (Latest version 1.0.27) Normally it works really well, but then once a year we have to update our SSL Certificates. The problem is the Web Client likes to cache the old certificate and not get the latest certificate. This results in people getting the following error: Hitting F5, Ctrl F5 does not resolve this. The following are the instructions we have to give the AVERAGE USER to get them passed it: * Press F12 to open DEVTOOLS * Press F1 to open DEVTOOLS SETTINGS * Under Networking tick Disable Cache (while DevTools is open) * On the tab, refresh the page with F5. * Close the DevTools tab Luckily these instructions more or less work for every major browser. But I think you can see that no end user should have to do anything as crazy as this. This also makes the move towards certificates with a shorter life impossible. Can this please be looked into with urgency? (Note: I know this is the Azure Virtual Desktop Feedback, but It's what the feedback button in the web client links to. If there's a better place to provide this feedback please let me know)2.2KViews5likes10Comments[Mac OS] [Bug] Microsoft remote desktop app blur after resize on retina display
Version 10.7.6 (1972) The issue is reproducible 100% when resizing a RDP session window. The whole interface will be blur after resizing, looks like the Retina optimize is gone after resizing. If I disconnect the session and reconnect, the Retina optimize will work on the new window size.2.1KViews1like3CommentsiPad Magick Keyboard support for VirtualBox Windows Guest
Hi there, I work in following scenario: 1. iPad Pro (12,9β, iOS 15.2.1) with Magic Keyboard (Swiss Layout) 2. On the iPad, I use the app Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.3.6 (5090) 3. In the app, I RDP to a Windows 11 desktop machine 4. In the RDP, I use VirtualBox to a Windows 10 VM. Problem: The Magic Keyboard is NOT recognized correctly in the VM from (4.). For example, the physical keys 1, 2, 3 and 4 will produce the signs βnβ, βmβ, β,β and β.β, while other keys do not produce anything. Physical keys like D and F react as if they were arrow keys. Most keys do not react at all. Note, that the keyboard works perfectly fine on the iPad itself AND on the RDP Machine from (3.). But solely NOT in the Virtual Box (4.). I donβt suspect an issue with the language setting, since this problem affects ALL characters (a-z and 1-9) and not the special characters only. Hopefully, this can be solved soon, since it would be very convenient to work with that keyboard and RDP/VB setting.1.7KViews1like3CommentsMicrosoft RDP client with macOS Sonoma experiences audio input disconnects
I'm having issues after upgrading to Mac OS Sonoma with audio disconnecting when using MS RDP to access a Windows PC and use Teams. When I initially connect to Teams, audio input and audio output is working correctly. After a few minutes, Teams will report audio device microphone is disconnected or not working and then no-one can hear me speak. I can still hear them, but they can't hear me. If I leave the meeting and re-join it works again for a few minutes and then the same issue happens again. Please fix ASAP.1.6KViews10likes2CommentsWorkspace is deleted each time MS Remote Desktop quits
Currently I'm working with MS Remote Desktop for macOS Beta 10.9.2 (2147) to use customer workspace. I've left all preferences at default and only configured the workspace user. Each time I quit the app the workspace is deleted and I have to set up again. With previous (beta) versions (i.e. 10.9.0) I did not have similar problems.1.6KViews10likes8CommentsRemote Desktop for Mac 10.9.4 often causes spinning wheel of death when copying from Windows machine
Starting in the last version or two, I frequently get the "spinning wheel of death" after using Remote Desktop for Mac to copy from the remote Windows client. This manifests when I switch back to the mac and try to switch to Slack -- Slack will be frozen for 30 seconds to several minutes with the colorful spinning pinwheel. Many people have been experiencing this issue, both recently and in the last several years: Please look into this, it's a productivity killer. And if there's anything I can grab for you that will help (like a snapshot of a process using the Mac activity monitor) please let me know. EDIT: I just attached a sample and spindump of Slack (the macOS process that gets the spinning wheel of death after copying text on the remote windows machine).1.4KViews10likes5Comments