676 TopicsGroup Calendar Stopped Showing in Outlook App
We have a "Corporate Calendar" group setup for people to add events that impact everyone in the office. It was setup in July 2020 and has worked perfectly until last week. On 4/7/2023 multiple users had this group calendar stop working in the Outlook app. After a reboot it started working again. Then today it stopped again for a few people (not everyone). It does show correctly on the Outlook web page (https://outlook.office.com/calendar/view/week). I've checked the following via PowerShell and all groups show False which should be correct: If I try adding this group calendar to "My Calendars" or "Other Calendars" I get the error "To add a group calendar, join the group and the calendar will be listed under All Group Calendars." I've also tried to restart Outlook numerous times. I am an owner and a member of this group. Group calendar setup: O365 info: We have a Microsoft 365 Apps for Business subscription (not Premium). Outlook app info: Microsoft® Outlook® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2303 Build 16.0.16227.20202) 64-bit Has anybody else run into this issue and if so, how did you resolve it?37KViews6likes21CommentsOption to hide or always show the column header row in new Outlook 365 on MacOS
Right now when you hover over the header section, the column header appears and hides automatically, which moves all the mails below it up and down. I'm getting really sea-sick! 😛 Please add an option to hide or permanently show the column header. Also would be nice to remove the folder name there, I usually know which folder I'm in.9.5KViews6likes16CommentsOutlook App on phone not showing colors for categories
Can someone tell me if the Outlook phone app is capable of displaying the colors set up for categories in the calendar? We have numerous teams using resource calendars and color coding the appointments with a different color for each person. They are complaining that they don't see the colors in the Outlook App on their phone. I tested this on my Android phone and don't see any colors. The user that submitted the complaint has an iPhone. I am having difficulty finding out from googling whether this feature is available in the Outlook phone app or not because the results just keep coming up for Outlook not the Outlook phone app. And if it is available, is it available for both Android & iOS or only one of those?155KViews6likes32Comments"New Outlook" Inbox not updating
In the "New Outlook" (which appears identical to the current web version of outlook): whenever I get a new email, I will get a notification and the unread counter next to my inbox tab will increase by one... but the email itself will not appear in the inbox UNTIL I click out of the inbox and back into it! It doesn't appear that the inbox can refresh itself "on-the-fly" as new emails come in, it only refreshes itself when it is loaded up! Are others experiencing this issue? I see svhelden posted about it a year ago but they said a software update fixed it... to me it seems to still be occurring with both the desktop and web app.53KViews3likes21CommentsOutlook Web App - Move to no longer moves focus to the search box
Hi, I'm requesting a change back to a previous behavior in Outlook Web App for the "Move to" button. Previously, I could click this button and the small search box was selected as text focus. This means I could click once and then type the name of a folder to which I could move that email. Now, clicking the "Move to" button shows the list of recent folders, but does not move the cursor into the search box. Thus, it requires an additional click to search for a folder. The previous workflow is more efficient and please consider reverting to that behavior! -MMSolved1.7KViews3likes4CommentsOutlook desktop client - showing multiple months of calendar in To-Do bar
"In the old days" you could show as many months of calendar in the to-do bar space as the width would allow. As you dragged the width wider, more months would fill in. Now no matter how wide you make the screen real estate, only one month is visible. My screenshot below makes it clear what I'm saying. The yellow spaces used to show the month before and after the "primary" month that was currently displayed in the main window. As I don't think this is a setting, Microsoft please consider this a suggestion -- to bring back the described functionality as it was until at least Outlook 2013 if not even more recent. Thanks.Solved70KViews3likes33CommentsAny way to move the Outlook search bar back where it belongs?
I mean, I can see why you would want to cram it up in the corner of the title bar - gotta save that precious UI real estate (for ???) but it covers the ribbon and is now farther away from the content its searching. Is searching no longer an important function? If so, somebody should tell Google.33KViews3likes11CommentsMore than one signature in OWA - any plans?
Hi, Does someone know if there are any plans in providing ability to have more than one signature in OWA? As there is only one signature I plan to deploy solution based on forms/flows/SQL table and PowerShell - for users to confirm they would like to change the signature. However if we know that this feature will be added in like the nearest future (couple of months) there is no sense for me in doing this, as this solution later need to be maintained etc., you know how it is - always better to keep it simple. Just thinking - maybe Julia Foran can give some heads up on this ? ^^Solved2.4KViews2likes7CommentsMicrosoft Places individual desk booking is not working
Hi, Following the documentation, Configure desk booking - Microsoft Places | Microsoft Learn, I successfully ran the shared command lines without any errors. However, on Microsoft Places, I am unable to see individual desks appear; only desk pools are visible. Has anyone managed to get this to work? Thanks,80Views2likes6Comments