developer tools
91 TopicsHow to track the parent and child relationships within the entire hierarchy in Azure DevOps (ADO)?
I am currently facing a situation where I can track the parent-child relationship up to only two levels. Our structure consists of the following hierarchy: EPIC > FEATURE > USER STORY > TASK. At present, I can trace relationships up to two levels but need to modify my query to capture the subsequent child relationships. Could you please let me know if it is possible to track all these relationships in a single query?Solved128Views0likes2CommentsAzure support team not responding to support request
I am posting here because I have not received a response to my support request despite my plan stating that I should hear back within 8 hours. It has now gone a day beyond that limit, and I am still waiting for assistance with this urgent matter. This issue is critical for my operations, and the delay is unacceptable. The ticket/reference number for my original support request was 2410100040000309. And I have created a brand new service request with ID 2412160040010160. I need this addressed immediately.73Views0likes3CommentsVideo Script to Generating Video with Voiceover
Can anybody provide a step-by-step guide for a beginner user to make an app for Azure to work like Visla ( that converts video text script to high-quality videos with Azure voiceover similar to what Visla offers?65Views0likes2CommentsCan we integrate azure board in java application for retrieving projects, work items operations
I want to integrate the azure board in my spring boot java application to fetch the projects, iterations,work items. does azure provide the sdk for it so i can use that jar and integrate this kind of operation in my application. does azure sdk has dedicated methods for azure board data like project,iterations , work items36Views0likes4CommentsAZ-104 Test
Excited to share that I passed the AZ-104 exam! 🎉 The journey wasn’t easy, but with consistent study and the right resources, I made it through. I highly recommend using practice tests to prepare—they were a game-changer for me. They help you identify weak spots and get comfortable with the exam format. Ready to take on my next certification challenge! 💪43Views0likes1CommentFormer Employer Abuse
My former employer, Albert Williams, president of American Security Force Inc., keeps adding my outlook accounts, computers and mobile devices to the company's azure cloud even though I left the company more than a year ago. What can I do to remove myself from his grip? Does Microsoft have a solution against abusive employers?39Views0likes0CommentsCan't trigger a pipeline hosted in RepoA when a commit is pushed to RepoB
I’m using Version Dev17.M153.5 (TFS), and I have two repositories: my source code is hosted in Repo B, and my pipelines are hosted in Repo A to keep responsibilities separated. My goal is for the pipeline in Repo A to automatically run whenever a commit is pushed to Repo B. Below is my current setup: # MY MAIN PIPELINE IN REPO A: trigger: none resources: repositories: - repository: RepoB type: git name: Project/RepoB ref: develop trigger: branches: include: - develop - master pool: name: 'Test' variables: REPO_URL: '' steps: - task: PowerShell@2 displayName: 'Configurar encabezado GIT_AUTH_HEADER con PAT' inputs: targetType: 'inline' script: | $headerValue = "Authorization: Basic " + [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8. GetBytes(":" + $env:PAT)) git -c http.extraheader="$headerValue" clone $(REPO_URL) env: PAT: $(PAT) #Templates - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master') }}: - template: pipeline-master.yml - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/develop') }}: - template: pipeline-develop.yml The Issue: This pipeline does not trigger automatically when a commit is pushed to Repo B on either develop or master. I cannot use checkout because it only accepts self or none. However, Repo B is successfully cloned, and the pipeline runs fine if I trigger it manually Additional Considerations: - Build services have “Read and Contribute” permissions set to “Allow” in both repositories. - Both Repo A and Repo B are part of the same project in Azure DevOps - The Personal Access Token (PAT) is correctly configured, and the pipeline passes when executed manually. - The YAML is hosted in the default branch (master) of Repo B Question: Why is the pipeline not triggering automatically, and how can I ensure it runs whenever a commit is pushed to Repo B? Many thanks in advance!277Views0likes2CommentsCreating Logic App to Identify Low Storage Devices from Intune
Hello everyone, I’m seeking some assistance with creating a Logic App. I need to identify devices in Intune that have 5GB or less of available space and receive an email with the details of these devices, including their names. Is this achievable?504Views0likes3CommentsError Running Script in Runbook with System Assigned Managed Identity
Hello everyone, I could use some assistance, please. I'm encountering an error when trying to run a script within a runbook. I'm using PowerShell 5.1 with a system-assigned managed identity. The script works find without using the managed identiy via powershell outside of azure. Error: System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException: Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: Credential. at System.Management.Automation.CmdletParameterBinderController.PromptForMissingMandatoryParameters(Collection1 fieldDescriptionList, Collection1 missingMandatoryParameters) at System.Management.Automation.CmdletParameterBinderController.HandleUnboundMandatoryParameters I am using this script Connect-ExchangeOnline -ManagedIdentity -Organization domain removed for privacy reasons # Specify the user's mailbox identity $mailboxIdentity = "email address removed for privacy reasons" # Get mailbox configuration and statistics for the specified mailbox $mailboxConfig = Get-Mailbox -Identity $mailboxIdentity $mailboxStats = Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $mailboxIdentity # Check if TotalItemSize and ProhibitSendQuota are not null and extract the sizes if ($mailboxStats.TotalItemSize -and $mailboxConfig.ProhibitSendQuota) { $totalSizeBytes = $mailboxStats.TotalItemSize.Value.ToString().Split("(")[1].Split(" ")[0].Replace(",", "") -as [double] $prohibitQuotaBytes = $mailboxConfig.ProhibitSendQuota.ToString().Split("(")[1].Split(" ")[0].Replace(",", "") -as [double] # Convert sizes from bytes to gigabytes $totalMailboxSize = $totalSizeBytes / 1GB $mailboxWarningQuota = $prohibitQuotaBytes / 1GB # Check if the mailbox size exceeds 90% of the warning quota if ($totalMailboxSize -ge ($mailboxWarningQuota * 0.0)) { # Send an email notification $emailBody = "The mailbox $($mailboxIdentity) has reached $($totalMailboxSize) GB, which exceeds 90% of the warning quota." Send-MailMessage -To "email address removed for privacy reasons" -From "email address removed for privacy reasons" -Subject "Mailbox Size Warning" -Body $emailBody -SmtpServer "" -Port 587 -UseSsl -Credential (Get-Credential) } } else { Write-Host "The required values(TotalItemSize or ProhibitSendQuota) are not available." }462Views0likes0Comments#Contest Microsoft AI Idea Challenge - AI’s next breakthrough is you!
All of us have creative ideas – ideas that can improve our lives and the lives of thousands, perhaps even millions of others. But how often do we act on turning those ideas into a reality? Most of the time, we do not believe in our ideas strongly enough to pursue them. Other times we feel like we lack a platform to build out our idea or showcase it. Most good ideas don’t go beyond those initial creative thoughts in our head. If you’re a professional working in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), or an aspiring AI developer or just someone who is passionate about AI and machine learning, Microsoft is excited to offer you an opportunity to transform your most creative ideas into reality. Join the Microsoft AI Idea Challenge Contest today for a chance to win exciting prizes and get your project featured in Microsoft’s AI.lab showcase. Check out the rules, terms and conditions of the contest and then dive right in! Read more about it in the Azure blog.1.6KViews1like2Comments