5 TopicsHow do I get job info from Azure AD for automate flow?
I need to get a piece of information under the category JOB INFO. Specifically an item called Employee ID from a given user in a Power Automate flow. I've tried to use the connectors Get User from Azure AD and even from Office 365 Users, but this information isn't part of the output. Is there some other way?Power Apps : Sharing connector
Hi everyone, We developed a power app for users in our organization to subscribe to various events. When they select an event, they receive a calendar invite. We created a service account through with these emails invites are sent and used Office 365 outlook connector in power apps. However, the problem arises when we share this app with other users. Power App prompts them to sign in with their own user than using the service account. Is there a way we could let users use the Power App without having to authenticate using their own user ( and use the service account itself ? ) . Any pointers here ? Thank you!How to Build a Custom Connector by Keith Whatling
Did you catch this awesome video posted by Keith Whatling on how to build a custom connector? He makes it so easy to understand! Build a custom connector to help you look up books by ISBN and add them to your own library! Enjoy, AudrieNEW! Get Output Responses from Flow in PowerApps! (+Sneak Peak app)
This week I wanted to explain how the new "Respond to PowerApps" action works in Flow, and show you a custom form I recently made. This form reinvents an old sandbox solution I did (using code behind in InfoPath). Automating the process of removing attachments from a SharePoint list item, and then moving them to a Document Library, in a single button press! Quality and operationally savvy experience, at 1/5th of the original labor effort! No code required. FYI: I will do a step-by-step on the Flow I used for the custom form over the weekend or next week! Here's Stephen's blog: Here's the YouTube video and resource links (you can comment and rate the video there too): Enjoy! AudrieNot able to fetch data source from custom API in Power apps
Hello Team, I have created a custom azure API which get records from the sharepoint multiple lists based on some business needs. Now we have created a custom connectoes in Power app. When i tested the custom connectors below json is display. "[{\"odata.type\":\"SP.Data.InvoiceapprovaltasksListItem\",\"\":\"4d5eb3aa-f285-48f6-90e0-32514b5177f6\",\"odata.etag\":\"\\\"3\\\"\",\"odata.editLink\":\"Web/Lists(guid'6d41d1bb-b5a0-42e6-a723-2b0ea2ccf7fe')/Items(334)\",\"TestInvoiceUniqueRefID@odata.navigationLinkUrl\":\"Web/Lists(guid'6d41d1bb-b5a0-42e6-a723-2b0ea2ccf7fe')/Items(334)/TestInvoiceUniqueRefID\",\"TestInvoiceUniqueRefID\":{\"odata.type\":\"SP.Data.InvoicetrackerListItem\",\"\":\"3b82e4a6-c9b2-4480-970e-6f7d6795cfed\",\"TestInvoiceUniqueID\":\"Invoice000326\",\"TestInvoiceNumber\":\"1\",\"TestTotalGrossValue\":500000.0,\"TestVendorName\":\"GHD PTY LTD\",\"TestGeneratedPrNo\":null,\"TestInvoiceDate\":\"2017-11-30T18:30:00Z\"},\"Id\":334,\"ID\":334}]" Created a new Power app from blank phone layout. Added new gallary in power app. Selected connector from datasource to select the datasource. Added method GetRecords() in items formula but it gives the error that "The property expects table values but this rule produces incompitable text values" Also i found that there are not no data source is selcted even i have selected it from connectors I have found that Power apps forms are supoprtaed tabular datasorce. 1)How can i create a tabular data source from cusom API? 2)Is power apps suported json format ? if yes then in which format Json pass from API? 3)Should we convert json to tabular format in power apps? Thank You Dipen