Partner Center Security
21 TopicsRegistration Microsoft Partner Problem
Hello Community, I would like to register as a Microsoft partner with my Microsoft business ID. (Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program) Unfortunately, I get the following error message: {"code":2100,"description":"A legal entity matching the request payload already exists when creating the legal entity.","data":[],"source":"PartnerAccountEnrollmentApi"} Does anyone have an idea? Thanks and regards TorstenGDAP renewal time is approaching
Hi all, The relationships we created two years ago are due for renewal soon, and I'm curious how other people are approaching the creation of new relationships. With the introduction of relationships that auto renew, have you found this to be a beneficial alternative? We are a Managed Service Provider and our customers want us to turn ALL the knobs in the Microsoft portals for them. I want to have the flexibility of techs only enabling the roles they need, but there are a LOT of roles. Creating a relationship with 34 roles is a bit extreme. Plus, it looks like we need 43 built-in roles to have the same level as access as Global Admin, and some of those roles are not available via GDAP today. The role that stands out the most is "Organizational Branding Administrator." Can another role that is available through GDAP change sign-in branding? What would partners think if Microsoft allowed the Global Admin role to auto-renew until Microsoft adds all the built in roles to GDAP roles needed to replace Global Admin? Maybe put some sort of extra warning on the role acceptance side advising the client this is not recommended and let the client make that informed choice themselves? What do you think customers opinion of this move would be? From my conversations with different people, I am under the impression that customers didn't want Microsoft to allow partners the option of letting the Global Admin role auto-renew. I am curious what the customers were looking to address with this approach and if there is another way. I look forward to reading your thoughts and experiences!DNS server issue on windows server 2012R2
Hallo, I have problem with DNS server, the DNS server cannot resolv external domain, but if I test ping public IP no problem. I use forwarder and I also test forwarder, there is no problem with forwarder, I check firewall there is not problem with firewall even I have disable firewall. Any sombody help me?I can't see my customer in the reports in partner earned credit
I have a client who has an Azure Subscription (Azure Plan) and my Guest user has an Admin RBAC on the subscription scope, but I can't see my customer in the reports on partner earned credit. For that reason, I am not able to reach the partner designation because my partner punctuation in the designation does not appear. My user is a guest in the customer tenant and has already linked my partner ID in the Management Partner Blade. I need help. Thanks in advance for your time.Philippines Currency Missing from Partner Center Payout and Tax Profile!.
Hi There, Does anyone know why the Philippines currency is missing from Partner Center Payout and Tax Profile? I'm trying to configure a payment profile within partner Center and it prompts me configure the currency for the new MPN id location I created but when I go to Partner Center to complete the profile setup, I don't see the Philippines Peso ,PHP code, so how can I proceed to set this up? Partner Center shows a default list of payment currency and the PHP isn't among it...Microsoft Windows Hardware Developer Program
Dear all, I am writing this because I just created a new startup together with my co-founder, where we are developing a new kind of software to secure transactions in digital assets with. Long story short, we have a driver that needs to be signed, but it is our first time doing so & are looking for accurate info from someone who has experience with it. Would you be so kind & help us answer the following questions: - Do you know how long it takes to get your EV certificate? - Do you know how long it takes the Microsoft Hardware Developer Program to sign your driver? - Does the latter cost you anything? Thanks a million in advance, MJSolvedMicrosoft Startup Program and Tenant Onboarding - Will that count for Solution Partner levelup?
Hello Partners, We have a customer who got enrolled and approved for Microsoft Startup program. They are currently not having anything on Microsoft and requested the support from my company, being a Microsoft Partner. We are preparing to level up and attain Solution Partner on Modern Work (SMB Track) this year. Does this effort on customer onboarding or product onboarding will help us on any of the categories which are considered as the eligibility? Thanks, Akhila