6 TopicsSharePoint List Item Person field only returns FieldId and FieldStringId
I have a list with a few columns that are Person columns. Below is a snippet without a select nor expand: const newHires = this._sp.web.lists.getById(${listId}).items<ListItem[]>(); const resolvedTasks = Promise.resolve(newHires); Two of my Person fields are called Manager and Dude. As you'll see from the screenshot, I only get DudeId and DudeStringId (ditto for Manager field). When I try the following: const newHires = this._sp.web.lists.getById(`${listId}`).items.select("Manager/Email").expand("Manager")<ListItem[]>(); I get the following 400 error: "odata.error":{"code":"-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"The query to field 'Manager' is not valid. The $select query string must specify the target fields and the $expand query string must contains Manager." I've also checked in the library settings that the field name is indeed Manager.1.5KViews0likes1CommentCall SAP OData Service in Logic App through On-Premise Data Gateway
Hello, I want to call an Odata Service of my SAP system. The service is only available in the private network, therefore the call only works via an On Premise Data Gateway. This gateway is already set up and works in the Azure Portal. Using a Postman Collection I have built a Custom Connector which I call in my Logic App. The connector is connected via the gateway to a computer which is logged on to the VPN. My problem is that I can't provide the authentication data for the logon to the SAP system and therefore for the call of the OData service. Is there a possibility to include this authentication data in the request? I have already been able to connect successfully to the SAP system via that gateway, but only to call RFC modules, for example. Is there a way to do this with an OData service? What is the best way for calling an on-premise SAP OData Service in a Logic App? Or is there maybe a way to send an Http request via the On Premise Data Gateway? Thank you!6.6KViews0likes2CommentsMatch a Microsoft Form submission to a table in Excel and run the condition if there's a match
Hi I have a Microsoft Form set up where I am requesting a first name, last name, email address and an ID value which is a number for an event I am holding. Only authorized members can attend this meeting, and I authenticate this via the ID value that's captured and look it up according to an Excel spreadsheet I have stored in OneDrive for Business. I want to use Power Automate to do the automatic authentication by taking the ID value from a Form submission, match it to the values in a table in an Excel spreadsheet stored in OneDrive for Business. If the ID matches, Power Automate must send an email to the recipient providing details to the meeting, i.e. the meeting link. If the ID does not match or is not found, the recipient gets an email stating what's the next procedure (a manual verification step - not created in Power Automate). The ID is a numeric value. It's captured as a numeric value on the form. The table has the IDs stored, formatted as "General". I added the following steps: When a new response is submitted Get response details List rows present in a table I specify the ID value from the Form under the "Filter Query" field Apply to each control inserted Select an output from previous steps I choose the ID value from the Excel table. Condition control inserted where the ID value from the Excel table is equal to ID value in the Microsoft Form submission. If yes, send an email with the meeting link. If no, send an email with alternative instructions. End When I test the flow, I get an error at the "List rows present in a table" step. Under "Inputs", I can see the ID value captured under the "Filter Query" field. Under "Outputs", an error is shown. The error is reproduced below: BadRequest Status Code: 400 Headers: Key Value Pragma no-cache x-ms-request-id 55ead164-c257-48e2-94ea-a... Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000; includeSub... X-Content-Type-Options nosniff X-Frame-Options DENY Timing-Allow-Origin * x-ms-apihub-cached-response false Cache-Control no-store, no-cache Date Mon, 27 Jul 2020 14:36:37 GMT... Content-Length 500 Content-Type application/json Expires -1 Body: { "status":400, "message":"The$filterexpressionmustevaluatetoasinglebooleanvalue.\r\ninnerexception:The$filterexpressionmustevaluatetoasinglebooleanvalue.\r\nclientRequestId:55ead164-c257-48e2-94ea-a0e8240e9dd1", "error":{ "message":"The$filterexpressionmustevaluatetoasinglebooleanvalue.\r\ninnerexception:The$filterexpressionmustevaluatetoasinglebooleanvalue." }, "source":"excelonline-we.azconn-we.p.azurewebsites.net" } Then the flow stops working after this. Any advice would be appreciated as to why this flow is not working?Is it possible to do a ODATA filter in Power Automate to check for a missing person field?
I have seen some old posts on other sites that seem to indicate you can't do an ODATA filter in Automate for a person field? In my particular case I want to get any rows where varname is missing (varname is a person field). Can it be done? If it can be done can you also share an example for a ODATA field looking for a particular email address such as where email address for varname = Mickey.Mouse@Disney.comSolved