Microsoft 365 developer program
43 TopicsConfig Azure application proxy using the graph API
I added StackOverflow post explaining the issue. It would be great to release endpoints that I could use to configure Application Proxy. The list of the endpoints: PATCH Content-type: application/json { "onPremisesPublishing": { "externalAuthenticationType": "aadPreAuthentication", "internalUrl": "", "externalUrl": "", "isHttpOnlyCookieEnabled": true, "isOnPremPublishingEnabled": true, "isPersistentCookieEnabled": true, "isSecureCookieEnabled": true, "isStateSessionEnabled": true, "isTranslateHostHeaderEnabled": true, "isTranslateLinksInBodyEnabled": true } } GET POST Content-type: application/json { "name": "IWA Demo Connector Group" } PUT$ref Content-type: application/json { "":"" } PATCH Content-type: appplication/json { "onPremisesPublishing": { "singleSignOnSettings": { "kerberosSignOnSettings": { "kerberosServicePrincipalName": "HTTP/", "kerberosSignOnMappingAttributeType": "userPrincipalName" }, "singleSignOnMode": "onPremisesKerberos" } } } GET POST Content-type: appRoleAssignments/json { "principalId": "4628e7df-dff3-407c-a08f-75f08c0806dc", "principalType": "User", "appRoleId":"18d14569-c3bd-439b-9a66-3a2aee01d14f", "resourceId":"a8cac399-cde5-4516-a674-819503c61313" }1KViews16likes0CommentsOutlook 365 for Mobile app - Compose window support for Office JS add-ins
We are exploring the new Office JS add-ons model for Outlook for mobile apps and wanted to integrate our product with iOS/Android apps. While exploring the new Office JS model, we didn't see any way to integrate the product with compose window. Task-pane or commandBar way of integration is missing for compose window. Compose window task-pane or commandBar integration is common use case among iOS/Android users. While composing emails, the following use cases are common in industry: Users want to insert documents or attach emails from 3rd part repository or storage or from content management software. When user sends an email, they want to keep a copy of the email in the repository also Currently these use cases are not possible with add-in model. But it is supported in desktop version as well as web version of add-ins. Without these use cases support, users wont adapt our solutions. So this is required for more user adaptability.Unable to create Microsoft 365 developer account for Indian developers
I tried to create Microsoft 365 developer account from India, but there was no option populated to select country "India (+91)" while verifying mobile numbers. so In fact all Indian developers can't create M365 developer account right now and this has been disappointing us. Could you please make the country India (+91) available on the drop down list, while verifying mobile number. so that we can create M365 developer account. kindly treat this on high priority and assist us. Thank you in advance!1.2KViews6likes3CommentsAdd DirSync properties to /directory/onPremisesSynchronization
We need the Microsoft Graph API to return the following properties. Can they be added to the Graph API endpoint GET "/directory/onPremisesSynchronization"? DirSyncServiceAccount DirSyncApplicationType DirSyncClientMachineName DirSyncClientVersion We currently get these properties from the Get-MsolCompanyInformation, Get-MsolDirSyncConfiguration or Get-MsolDirSyncFeatures cmdlets from MSOnline but that module is EOL and also does not work for us partners who use GDAP. In /beta/organization the property onPremisesSyncEnabled is null if it is disabled and instead we think it should return the boolean false. When it is enabled it returns boolean true.628Views6likes0CommentsMicrosoft Graph API Inplace Archival Mailbox
Hi Team, We are using Graph API to fetch in place archival mailbox for office 365. but can not fetch details, there was a document having an older folder name ' ArchiveMsgFolderRoot but this also not working. i have also searched possible solution to get this data but seems there is no support existing for same. It would be great if Graph API can provide support on fetching the same. Thanks1.4KViews6likes1CommentMicrosoft Loop: Ability to create/add diagrams in pages
Often we need to explain, discuss, agree on subjects that need to be supported by diagrams. These diagrams are often subject to changes as result of the interactions with the different stakeholders. It would be important to have the ability to add these diagrams directly in the loop workspace pages, instead of inserting images.New Outlook: Add font selection setting for Plain text messages
New Outlook (Client Version 20230414002.08) lacks a critical feature for our internal users, specifically the ability to select and change the font for plain text messages. We produce hundreds of short status reports throughout the day for a variety of users. Much of the information is columnar and depends upon a fixed-width font to display in a legible manner. The reports typically are small enough that attaching them as a text document would waste extra time for our users to open separately, so we issue them as the body of the email and go on. It is for this very reason that our users cannot use the Outlook Web App when they are offsite. They instead use the current desktop Outlook over a VPN connection. Please include in every version of Outlook (including Outlook Web App) the ability to select and change the font for plain text messages, preferably in the Settings. The font selection should apply both to the Reading Pane and to "popped out" message display.779Views5likes2CommentsCreate and manage organization contacts and distribution groups with Microsoft Graph
At the moment it is not possible to create an organization contact (orgContact) via Microsoft Graph. Our customer now wants to synchronize their Business Central Cloud distribution lists (mailing groups) with the Exchange distribution group. For this we need an endpoint for the creation of the contacts (organization Contact). Also we need to manage the distributation groups in Exchange, which is also currently not possible. Something similar was posted in March this year and was marked as completed. I think this feature is not fully implemented and should not be marked as completed. CSOM add View.TitleResource property
In SSOM there is a property SPView.TitleResource which allows to localize list views. Unfortunately, it's not available in CSOM View therefore making it impossible to programmatically localize List Views Titles. Thus making SharePoint sites localization not complete. To my knowledge, it's possible from UI because aspx using SSOM property for this.