Word 365 does not display OTF fonts

Copper Contributor

About a month ago, Word stopped displaying or printing .otf fonts, i.e., fonts with Postscript outlines. It displays and prints Arial whenever I select an otf font installed in my Windows/fonts folder. Word still properly displays and prints .ttf fonts.


I am using Word in Microsoft 365 Apps for business, and have updated the applications a couple of times since the problem began. I've already uninstalled and reinstalled all of my fonts, uninstalled and reinstalled Office, and done a reinstall of Windows 11, keeping my apps and files.


I have also tried using clouds version of Adobe fonts with the same result as the fonts installed in Windows, i.e., Word displays and prints Arial.

4 Replies
I've got the exact same problem. It's probably an issue on Windows 11. On my windows 10 pc, all my fonts work properly.
Monitoring same problem on Windows 11. Only in Microsoft Word 365 fonts OTF not working. I hope Microsoft Team will fix it in short time.

Same problem, with Windows Preview 22543.