iPad Word should emerge to a Desktop Version of Word

Copper Contributor

I miss and request Features like:



-Individual Margins for every site and individual line spacing

-a better and more customisable way to create lists

-a search bar for fonts

and much more features which are missing in the iPad Version


I hope this features will get in consideration for future development 🙂

4 Replies
Sorry, but if you want all of the features of Word, you will need to use the Windows desktop application.



Heyy, yes but there is no Hardware Limitation it wouldn’t be that hard to apply all features for the iPad Plattform. I’m paying a lot and my main device is a iPad Pro 😞 

There is a Hardware Limitation.  Windows cannot be installed on an iPad.

Hardware limitation means that there is not enough power from the processor for instance. The iPad Pro with M1 is stronger then the most Desktop Notebooks. The Problem is that Windows is not available for ARM as private User and Microsoft is to lazy in their Update Strategy. That’s pretty embarrassing for such a big company 😞