
Brass Contributor

Why, oh WHY ??? 

I THOUGHT Courier was "equal-spaced", i.e. every character had the same width and height.


BUT . . . 

When I put this in a WORD doc, using Courier, the lines do not "match up"


[O.K. - THIS WebSite deletes spaces  ]


James  = Eliza       Joseph = Elizabeth  

Soames │ Desanges  Gilstrap │ Welsh 

1771-  │ 1785-       1785-  │ 1789-       

-1863  │ -1872       -1869  │ -1826      

           │                            │                                   

      └─────┐        ┌─────┘                          

            │        │                                     

          Arthur = Anna Amelia                 

          Soames │ Gilstrap                       

       1816-1894 │ 1823-1900                




How do I overcome this ?

4 Replies


Courier New is a mono-spaced font. I would suggest that you use a table to layout your document, with borders selectively applied for the vertical lines.


Thank you for your response.  Alas !  YET another "learning curve" !


I had hoped for a suggestion for a "proper" equi-spaced font.

Is "Courier New" the only one ?

There are SO many other fonts !

Those "line" characters are inserted by Alt-Number Pad.

It seems that "Space" is not the same width either ?

"Lucida Sans Typewriter" is allegedly another fixed-pitch font - but it's no different !


This is not a criticism, but posted for your information and to alert others who may find this question.


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