Envio de lista de destinatário para o word ( mala direta )

Copper Contributor

Bom dia, estou com problemas na mala direta do word, eu utilizo o excel como lista de contatos e queria colocar mais de um e-mail por linha (registro), ai da primeira vez que fiz separei por virgulas (primeiro print), e quando apenas separado por vírgula apresenta este erro (segundo print) e aparece como solução usar um ponto e vírgula entre os e-mails e quando feito, apresenta outro erro (terceiro print). Preciso dessa ajuda com urgência. Já tentei contato via suporte da microsoft e não conseguiram me ajudar em nada e por telefone menos ainda.

Good morning, I'm having problems with the word mail merge, I use excel as a contact list and I want to put more than one email per line (record), so the first time I did it, I separated it by commas (first print), and When just separated by a comma it shows this error (second print) and it appears as a solution to use a semicolon between the emails and when done, it shows another error (third print). I need this help urgently. I've already tried contacting microsoft support and they still can't help me with anything and for less.





1 Reply

@Nicolas_Brunetti If you use the Merge with Attachments facility on my Merge Tools Add-in it can handle multiple email addresses if there is a semi-colon separating them.  Make sure however that there are no semi-colons after the last email address in the field for any of the records.


My Merge Tools Add-in is contained in the MERGE TOOLS ADD-IN.zip file that you can download from the following page of my One Drive:




Extract the files from the archive and read the:


“READ ME – Setting up and using the Merge Tools Add-in.pdf


to see how to install and use the various tools.


Using those tools, it is possible to perform the following types of merge that cannot be done with Mail Merge “out-of-the-box”:


  • Merge to e-mail messages either with or without attachments, with the documents created by the merge being sent as either Word or PDF attachments or as the body of the e-mail message.
  • Merge to individual documents in either Word or PDF format with the filenames being supplied by the data in one of the fields in the data source
  • Many to One type merges, which can be used for creating documents such as invoices where there are multiple records in the data source that have common data in one of the fields
  • Merging to a document that will include a chart that is unique to each record in the data source
  • Merging a document with Content Controls
  • Merging a document that contains Legacy FormFields
  • Duplex Merges
  • Merging to a printer that will collate and staple the output created from each record in the data source.

The requirements for using the system are:


  • The mail merge main document must be of the Letters type, though that does not mean that the output cannot be sent as an e-mail message where relevant.
  • For the Many To One, Merge with Attachments and Merge to Individual Docs utilities, the data source may be either a table or query in an Access database, or in the form of an Excel worksheet. For the Chart Merge utility, see the Mail Merging with Charts document that is included in the Merge Tools Add-in Zip file for additional requirements for the data source for use with that utility
  • For a data source in the form of an Excel worksheet, the field names must be in the first row of the worksheet and there must be a field name in all of the cells in that row that are within the range of columns that contain the data.
  • For both types of data source, the field names must contain only alphanumeric characters (No @,#,$,%,&,(,), etc) and the field names must not start with a numeric character (0-9). The number of characters in the field names, including spaces, must not be more than 40.

For a demonstration of the use of the facility, prepared by a Microsoft employee, see

