drop caps?

Copper Contributor

I have a chapter in a story that is all one big quote. I want to put a drop cap at the start of the first paragraph, which I did for two lines. It is 100 pt. I would also like to end the last paragraph with a closed quote that is also 100 pt and two lines wrapping around it. I cannot figure out how to do this and hopefully someone can help. thx



“He was always watching me, waiting for me to screw up somehow. It got so bad that I was afraid to do anything. No matter what I did, he found fault and made me pay for it in front of the congregation. I finally had enough and ran away when I was 14."



1 Reply

@mikerock49  I would do it by creating screen capture images of the quotation marks and then insert them into the document at the required locations with their layout set with "Tight" Text Wrapping.

