Use Multi Monitor with an App from WVD

Copper Contributor

Hi guys,


Following problem:


  • We are using WVD with multi session Logins
  • Users receive access to specific apps only; no full Desktop access
  • Once they start the app (in this case it's IE11), they create a connection to a remote desktop of one of our clients. In course of the process e.g. Citrix/Pulse are used
    => This works well. However, we need them to be able to use multiple monitors


If we use WVD full desktop access, than there is no problem. WVD starts in multi-monitor view right after login and after creating a connection to the Remote Desktop of our client, this connection is also multi-monitor enabled.

However, we would like to use the 1-App-access (with IE11) only.



  • We need to use WVD (as an additional tunnel), as the client supports IE11 only for a connection to him. So far we were not able to identify another workaround.
  • We are using macOS as base OS, from where we connect to WVD.
  • It is possible to connect directly from macOS to our clients RD. However, then we would need to install Java on our users Macs and grand all of the admin rights; this is not an option though.


Hope for your ideas.

1 Reply
A quick addition: just noticed, that after the remote desktop connection to the client was established, I am not able to move the Citrix windows around my Monitors