Windows Server 2022 adds support for Microsoft 365 Apps



Updating our support policy through October 2026 


Based on feedback from customers, we are happy to share that we are updating our support policy for Microsoft 365 Apps on Windows Server 2022.  Support for on-premises and Azure deployments will be available through October 2026.  This covers the period in which Windows Server 2022 is in mainstream support. 


Support for running Microsoft 365 Apps on Windows Server 2022 is currently in preview.  If you want to begin testing on Windows Server 2022, we recommend that you use the most current, supported version of Microsoft 365 Apps available in Current Channel. We will provide information about which versions of Microsoft 365 Apps are supported on Windows Server 2022 at a later date. 


We will be updating our support pages and documentation in the coming days. 

17 Replies
very good news, we need that!

@TJ_Devine supported version link doesn't work.

@TJ_Devine Will this announcement impact the support deadline of October 2025 for M365 Apps on Windows Server 2016 and 2019? Microsoft 365 Apps migration from Windows Server - Deploy Office | Microsoft Learn

No - no change to the support periods for those configurations. (Great question - thanks!)

Hi @TJ_Devine

This documents seems to be a bit ahead of time, doesn't it?


It should clearly state that it's in preview, rather it reads as if it's already officially supported and in consent being used in production. 


Can you follow?


Please check the wording:

Microsoft 365 Apps migration from Windows Server - Deploy Office | Microsoft Learn


Thanks for pointing that out, K_Wester-Ebbinghaus. We've added a Note to that article to clarify that running Microsoft 365 Apps on Windows Server 2022 is currently in preview.

@TJ_Devine is the link correct for supported versions?, even when logon I get a 403. Without review. worked for me.

Mainstream support for Windows 2022 is only until the end of 2026.

What is beyond that? Do the customers should shut down than their RDS farms running M365 Apps, even though extended support for Windows 2022 runs until 2031?

This makes no sense at first sight. What is the purpose of support for M365 Apps on Windows 2022 only for 4 years out of 9?

Please help me to understand this.


We have a farm of RDS 2022 servers and we are unable to activate Microsoft 365 Apps at all.

We followed the instructions to deployed in Shared Computer mode.

When we looked in the registry we find all the registry keys are there, however the Office 365 apps will not work!

We deployed a server 2019, configured for RDS and installed Office 365 apps and it works fine.

My question is, are Microsoft 365 Office apps supported in server 2022 RDS for shared computer activation or not!


Honestly this is showing the middle finger to msp/csp. What about after 2026 when msps are not allowed to run m365 apps on Terminal server?
Run everything on azure and fire 80% of technicians because profit margins are tiny in your cloud?
I‘m furious

Yes we are all pretty upset about this - we've been trying to get MS to hear us over in this thread:
Does anyone know if this definitely includes OneDrive? It can be installing using the M365 Apps installer, but the OneDrive system requirements (below) still only list Server 2019. I'm thinking that may just be because support is still in preview, but would be helpful to get clarification:


@mdi-db I don't know when Microsoft updated the site but Windows Server 2022 is now listed under the supported operating systems.

We installed Server 2022 in August 2023, and out of the box we had onedrive sync and other 365 apps working well.
At the end of Oct 2023, work accounts vanished, and all Outlook, OneDrive, and Edge accounts refuse to log in or sync in app.
Users on the server can access web flavours of their account, or local word or excel apps - but everything else is totally borked.

This is a pretty barebones Server without much customization acting in a general shared file / storage role. But it has lost all ability to sync local files with OneDrive / SharePoint online which was the main goal.
It's bizarre that this was working - and then went away - while MS documents say "everything 365 should run just fine".

just avoid any M365 apps and services and stay with standard on prem applications. Easier and much cheaper.