Windows Server 2022 (21H2 Build 20324.3) - WinRM unable to start, Error Code 1359

Copper Contributor

I just installed WS2022 from the Azure Marketplace, however, I am unable to add roles with an error that the winrm service is not running, and attempts to start failed.

Checking the WinRM event log shows unable to start due to an initialization error, code 1359.


Nomally I would assume I did something wrong, but this VM still has the fresh out-of-the box smell!

3 Replies
Same here. I already posted some Feedback on the Feedback Hub:
More recent builds don't have this problem anymore, though. Maybe you could try upgrading to the latest build doing an in-place upgrade using the ISO file?
Thanks for reporting this. It is a known issue with the latest image in Azure gallery. It will be fixed in the next gallery update. Meanwhile, you're welcome to keep testing Windows Server 2022 with VMs deployed from ISOs or other mechanisms which do not involve the Azure gallery.
Artem, How can we try newer builds of Windows Server 2022 on Azure? After creating Windows Server 2022 on Azure portal(May 11, 2021), I tried doing in-place upgrade using ISO however now I can't even RDP anymore.