Mar 29 2018 05:40 PM
Hey everyone!
I'm fairly new to the Insider Preview programs, but thought with Server 2019 coming I'd try it out. When trying to install the RSAT I am getting an error 0x800b0109 "certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider" and it doesn't appear to install at all. I tried on 2 different computers with the same problem.
More recently, I tried to download the x64 version and Chrome flagged it with "Virus Scan Failed". Does anyone have any thoughts on what the issue might be? I apologize if the issue has already been brought up in another post, but I wasn't able to locate it myself.
Thanks in advance
Apr 02 2018 02:09 AM
I've hit the same cert error when installing the tools on a desktop but it's fine on a laptop and DNS tools are included.