Re: Windows Server 2019 Preview Build 17692 / 17709 / 17713 application compatibility [ FIXED ]

Brass Contributor

All previous problems i reported were fixed in this build.

Now i have few problems with applications compatibility.

If i try to install Classic Shell (latest version) or any other program that replaces start menu, classic shell and other programs stop working.
Tested on Windows Server 2019 Build 17692 and 17709.

Other People also reporting same problems with Windows 10 Build 17692 / 17709 / 17713:

Other applications may also be affected by this bug, not just programs that replace start menu, i will continue with testing other applications too.


Install Build 17692
Turn Off IE Enhanced Security Configuration
Install Classic Shell
Click start button ( it will work for first time ), set start menu as "Classic style"
Click start button 2 times and it will stop working.

To get classic shell back, reset explorer.exe

Click on start menu, it's working again.

Click on start menu again, it will not open again.



Server 2019 Build 17692 ( Not working ), you can see menu is compressed to small line:



Server 2016, working as intended:ClassicShell1607.png

6 Replies

I've had a number of UI issues with this build. Specifically the ability to type the name of an application in the start menu and it filter to the result.  Instead when I type the Start Menu collapses.  Also the Settings interface crashes (closes) when you go to account information about Sign In.

Version 17709 ( Windows 10 any version and Sever 2019 ) is even worse.


Start Menu stops working completely if i install any UI programs.



Tested on new 17713 build, same problem as in previous build, now even start menu doesn't work anymore.

When you click it classic shell is compressed to single 2 pixels line, image:



Nope ,same issue persists. None of my Hyper-V VM's supposedly have a NIC - GetVM | Get-VmNetworKAdapter is empty, no VM shows a NIC in Hyper-V. Needless to say - they work and are connected 😉

Windows Server 2019 build 17723 fixes all UI problems related to programs that replace start menu / UI elements.