Mar 10 2021 06:59 AM
I am unable to setup DFSR with the latest version of Window Server 2022.
Here is the script I am using:
# 1. Installing DFS-Replication feature on key servers
$SB = {
$IHT = @{
Name ='FS-DFS-Replication'
IncludeManagementTools = $true
Add-WindowsFeature @IHT
$ICHT = @{
ScriptBlock = $SB
ComputerName = 'DC1', 'DC2', 'SRV1', 'SRV2'
Invoke-Command @ICHT |
Format-Table -Property PSComputername,FeatureResult, Success
# 2. Turning on administrative shares
$SB2 = {
$SCHT = @{
AutoShareServer = $true
AutoShareWorkstation = $true
Confirm = $false
Set-SmbServerConfiguration @SCHT
"Restarting LanmanServer on $(hostname)"
Stop-Service -Name LanManServer -Force
Start-Service -Name LanManServer
$CN = @('DC1','DC2','SRV1','SRV2')
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $SB2 -ComputerName $CN
# 3. Viewing DFSR cmdlets - which works fine
Import-Module -Name DFSR -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Get-Module -Name DFSR
Get-Command -Module DFSR | Measure-Object
# 4. Creating replication groups
$RGHT1 = @{
GroupName = 'SRVShareRG'
DomainName = 'Reskit.Org'
Description = 'Replication Group for SRV1, SRV2 shares'
New-DfsReplicationGroup @RGHT1
The final line gives me an error:
New-DfsReplicationGroup @RGHT1
New-DfsReplicationGroup: Could not create the replication group named "SRVShareRG". The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted.
Mar 10 2021 12:26 PM