WinServer 2022 SNMP service not listed post install

Copper Contributor

We have Windows Server 2022 servers that we would like to use SNMP to monitor. However, after installing SNMP and SNMP WMI the only thing that shows up in the services list is SNMP Traps. When I look back in the Add Roles and Features Wizard it shows both of these are installed.
Edit: Yes I have rebooted this server. Still doesn't appear in the services list.


How do I get the SNMP service showing in the services control panel? Is there an alternative way to administer the SNMP service?

2 Replies

I found a way to check and reinstall via Powershell. Interestingly it showed that the SNMP service was not installed despite Apps and Features showing it was installed.
Now the SNMP service shows up in the services list however it's not configurable. The tabs Agents and Traps isn't available.


Edit: This was possibly because the WMI part of SNMP wasn't installed. It also could be the management tools were allegedly not installed. I ran the following after the initial two installations and what I need now appears to be there:
Install-WindowsFeature SNMP-Service,SNMP-WMI-Provider -IncludeManagementTools

I found this link to a Powershell script to check and install SNMP. I created a GPO to install it on all the servers. It does work but I ran into an issue that if fails twice configuring the Security and the Traps tab configuration. But if I run it 3 times, it installs and configures perfect. Just need to figure out why the errors but then works.