Windows 2022 Server- No Internet connection with Static IP

Copper Contributor



We just deployed windows server 2022 on Dell\EMC rack mount rs350. Before adding any roles or features we have some issues. This is 2nd time we deployed OS. When both Nics are set to DHCP we have internet connection and can do MS updates and ping gateway server When we configure static IP’s we lose internet connection and can no longer ping gateway We are stumped. Thanks

5 Replies

We just deployed windows server 2022 on Dell\EMC rack mount rs350.  When both Nics are set to DHCP we have internet connection 

Is it domain joined? What roles are planned? What's the purpose of second NIC? An unedited ipconfig /all might be helpful.



It will or already is a domain controller. Two nics and will install AD and DNS should install after that. We originally had it built and promoted to domain controller. With no luck we formatted drive did another fresh install. After fresh install we did not add any roles or features. I was able to download MS updates to server. Then we changed the nics to static IP on both and indicated no internet connection. Could not ping gateway when we could under DHCP

Multi-homing a domain controller will always cause no end to grief for active directory domain DNS






Problem is resolved. This is what solved our problem.

1. we took both static  IP’s and bound them to MAC address in our zyxel firewall. We were able to ping the gateway now. We still had no internet.

2. Had DNS issues so we disabled in network properties for each NIC adapter ipv6.


No we have access to internet. 


For Windows Server 2022, the answer can be much simpler. Go to your domain controllers and make sure that none of them are using for the DNS server settings on their network adapters.