RemoteApp problem

Steel Contributor

I am setting up a RemoteApp server (2022) with assorted small programs and utilities so that we don't need multiple installations of of them. One of these is Git:

(64 bit version)


It installs fine and appears to publish OK, but as soon as it has been published the web portal for the server (https://(hostname removed)/RDWeb/Pages/en-US/Default.aspx) fails to load - I get a runtime error (see attached image).


The above Git package installs three programs, and if any or all of them are published as RemoteApps this happens. All the other programs which I have installed on the server publish without issue, and provided none of the Git ones are published the web portal loads normally. If I publish one of the Git ones, get the runtime error, then unpublish and refresh the page the portal then loads again.


Anyone have any idea of a workaround for this? I've had it working in the past on Server 2019 in this way, but it's unclear whether the problem is the OS version or a newer version of the Git software.



1 Reply
Just to add that I've run up a test VM running Server 2019, and exactly the same thing happens.