Aug 02 2017 04:12 AM
How can a company be benifitted by microsoft if they have a Microsoft Certified Administrator? (MCSA,MCP)
Aug 05 2017 04:40 AM
SolutionAug 05 2017 08:41 AM
The link @Deleted posted was good. I think it reflects well on employers if they have certified staff, it should mean the staff are more motivated, eager to use new technology and getting practical benefits from what they are designing, implementing, deploying etc (though this may be debatable). Probably even more impressive would be hiring an MVP or Microsoft Regional Director!
Aug 08 2017 02:33 AM
Thank you for the response Cian.
Aug 08 2017 02:34 AM
Thank you for the response...@Matthias Eberhardt
Aug 05 2017 04:40 AM