Copia de Seguridad Windows Server 2016 - Espacio en Disco Insuficiente - Volumen Fantasma

Copper Contributor

Hola Buenos días,


Me sucede algo muy raro desde hace una semana.


Tenía configurada una copia de seguridad diaria de reconstrucción completa en mi Server 2016, llevaba meses funcionando.


Desde hace una semana la copia no se hace por un supuesto espacio en disco insuficiente.


He formateado el disco de destino, que tiene 1TB, mientras que el C:/ del servidor solo utiliza 480GB


A la hora de ejecutar la copia me aparece un volumen desconocido que duplica el supuesto tamaño de la copia de seguridad, y por tanto no cabe en el disco de destino.


Me estoy volviendo loco para poder eliminar ese volumen y poder tener las copias correctas como antes. Adjunto Capturas de Pantalla

1 - Discos Actuales.png2 - Configuracion de Copia.png3 - Confirmacion de Copia.png4 - Volumen Fantasma.png5 - Error de Espacio en Disco.png6 - Tamaño Real Duplicado.png

8 Replies


¡Hola! Publicó su pregunta en el espacio de discusión de la comunidad tecnológica, que está destinado a la discusión en torno al sitio web de la comunidad tecnológica, no a preguntas sobre productos. Muevo su pregunta al espacio de Windows Server; publique preguntas de Windows Server aquí en el futuro.

(Tenga en cuenta que estoy usando una aplicación de traducción, así que disculpe los errores).

Hello, Thabks for your help. I am trying to find my question in the Windows Server area you told me, but I cannot find it. Thank you!!

@AlbertoGSM Sorry for any confusion - the post you just replied to now lives in the Windows Server area - I moved it there.


So no need to search any further! Hopefully one of the experts here can help. 

@EricStarker Thankyou, but how can I check if my question is beeing answered? Thanks!!
If it gets answered, it will be at the bottom of this thread, so you can keep checking back. You will also receive an email notification indicating any responses to your thread, unless you have turned those off.
That unknown volume looks like it's the disk name of the backup volume. Windows backup is supposed to be smart enough not to attempt to list it's own backup disks in it's backup set so this shouldn't be a problem.

How big is your PHYSICAL c:/ disk? I realize you are only seeing 480GB on there but if your c:/ drive is 1TB and your backup media is also 1TB that isn't going to fly.
Hello Ted, thanks for your answer. I am afraid the unknown volume is not the backup volume, I already checked that. It's something related with the recovery partition that windows creates when installing the OS, because if I run the backup for only the C:/ and system status it goes well. This unknown volume appears only when I choose "Complete Recovery" (which includes and strange EFI partition and the recover Volume)

The disk that has the c:/ drive it is 1 Tb, and the backup drive it is 1Tb too.

It has been working perfectly almost one year with this same configuration. This problems have started one month ago, and I don't have a clue about its origin.



I just discover a hidden message in the error log from back up, you can see it here. It is in Spanish, but says something about the free space of the origin disk is important too. Let me know if you need me to translate it completely for you.


Error del espacio.png