Access denied event id 3210

Copper Contributor

Have a windows server 2008 std server that is on the domain and can nslookukp all Domain controllers fwd/rvs lookups successfully but when i run: nltest /, it returns trust verification status, access denied 

8-31-2020 1-05-30 PM.png

Also in the event logs I see event id 3210

8-31-2020 1-06-55 PM.png

I've disjoined/rejoined computer and removed computer object in ADUC but still same issue, anyone have a fix for this please?

1 Reply

Please run;

- Dcdiag /v /c /d /e /s:%computername% >c:\dcdiag.log
- repadmin /showrepl >C:\repl.txt
- ipconfig /all > C:\dc1.txt
- ipconfig /all > C:\dc2.txt
- (etc. as other DC's exist)
- ipconfig /all > C:\problemworkstation.txt

then put unzipped text files up on OneDrive and share a link.