Product still listed as enabled in Antivirusproduct class even though uninstalled 5 days ago

Copper Contributor


I uninstalled F-Secure 5 days ago and have restarted/powered down this device several times since. It seems that either the data returned by this query is outdated (and a refresh/reload may solve the issue, if at all possible) or that Windows truly believes the F-Secure product is still installed and enabled.



Function ConvertTo-NPHex
    Param([int]$Number)"0x{0:x}" -f $Number

$Products = @();
Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/SecurityCenter2 -ClassName Antivirusproduct -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object{

    $hex = ConvertTo-NPHex $_.ProductState; 
    $mid = $hex.Substring(3,2);
    $end = $hex.Substring(5);

    $Products += [ordered]@{
        DisplayName = $_.DisplayName;
        Enabled = $( 
            If( $mid -match "00|01" ){ 
        UpToDate = $( 
            If($end -eq "00"){ 
        Updated = $( (Get-Date -Date $_.Timestamp).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") )

Return $Products | ConvertTo-Json;



Output from snippet above:


        "DisplayName":  "F-Secure SAFE",
        "ProductState":  270336,
        "Enabled":  true,
        "UpToDate":  true,
        "Updated":  "2020-06-17T08:09:16Z"
        "DisplayName":  "Windows Defender",
        "ProductState":  393472,
        "Enabled":  false,
        "UpToDate":  true,
        "Updated":  "2020-06-17T07:59:53Z"
        "DisplayName":  "ESET Security",
        "ProductState":  266240,
        "Enabled":  true,
        "UpToDate":  true,
        "Updated":  "2020-06-22T12:28:56Z"



I am absolutely certain that F-Secure is not installed. Not only did I remove it manually, but it's also not visible in the Security Center UI, not under installed programs and not detected by a PowerShell script that looks through the registry for installed programs. This device is also not listed in my F-Secure web administration console, so I know it's uninstalled.


Expected situation:

  1. F-Secure isn't listed at all (it's not installed)
  2. Windows Defender is listed and not enabled
  3. ESET is listed and enabled


  1. Is it possible to 'force' a refresh of this class?
  2. Is it known when this class is 'organically' updated?
  3. Any tacit knowledge as to why the product is still in the response?


1 Reply

@michaelmcdonald any news about this issue ? I think I have the same with KES.