End-to-end security features coming to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

Community Manager

Find out about the security improvements coming in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update - native Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) protections, Windows Defender Application Guard, Device Guard integrated into Windows Defender ATP response capabilities to make application control easy, centralized management controls of Windows security features within Intune and Configuration Manager, and more.





2 Replies

Yeah I was super excited too about this update and native "EMET" Win 10 is going to have. In order to really use for example Windows Defender Explot Guard you need to have centralized reporting for the clients.


And for that ATP is required. But really ATP isn't something that SMB's can afford at this point. Now when we are going move to MDM management with Win 10 we can't even use Intune Legacy client for Defender reporting. This is sad and really a problem for smaller organizations.