
Copper Contributor



计算机\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\IPSec\Policy\Local\ 中,

我想对子键 ipsecFilter{Guid}中的"ipsecData"进行操作,键值是二进制的,一部分我已经知道其代表的含义,



1 Reply
Someone can help me?
I want to config IPSec by C# and find the path in the
registry(\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\IPSec\Policy\Local\ ),The
subkey is ipsecFilter{Guid},the value name is "ipsecData",but the value is encode by binary,So I decode
it.the empty value has 24 bytes; every new IP selector takes 70 bytes (I tested by GPO).
Now I know from the first to 18th and from 35th to 70th means what ,but I don''t konw from 19th to 34th.Can someone konws it?
I have been searching on MSDN for 2 days...... but found nothing.........