What is this log happening in PowerShell/operational?

Copper Contributor

Hi I’m not too sure if this is the right place to ask but since it’s happening in the PowerShell/operational log every month, I thought it’d be good to post here. I just want to know if I’m in any danger or if I’m safe and I’m just being paranoid.


Task Category: Execute a remote command


Creating Scriptblock text (1 of 1):
# Copyright © 2008, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#Common utility functions
Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable localizationString -FileName CL_LocalizationData
# Function to get user troubleshooting history
function Get-UserTSHistoryPath {
return "${env:localappdata}\diagnostics"
# Function to get admin troubleshooting history
function Get-AdminTSHistoryPath {
return "${env:localappdata}\elevateddiagnostics"
# Function to get user report folder path
function Get-UserReportPath {
return "${env:localappdata}\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue"
# Function to get system report folder path
function Get-MachineReportPath {
return "${env:AllUsersProfile}\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue"
# Function to get threshold to check whether a folder is old
function Get-ThresholdForCheckOlderFile {
[int]$threshold = -1
return $threshold
# Function to get threshold for deleting WER folder
function Get-ThresholdForFileDeleting() {
[string]$registryEntryPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting"
[string]$registryEntryName = "PurgeThreshholdValueInKB"
[double]$defaultValue = 10.0
return Get-RegistryValue $registryEntryPath $registryEntryName $defaultValue
# Function to get the size of a directory in kb
function Get-FolderSize([string]$folder = $(throw "No folder is specified")) {
if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($folder) -or (-not(Test-Path $folder))) {
return 0
if(-not $Global:DirectoryObject) {
$Global:DirectoryObject = New-Object -comobject "Scripting.FileSystemObject"
return ($Global:DirectoryObject.GetFolder($folder).Size) / 1kb
# Function to delete a folder
function Delete-Folder([string]$folder = $(throw "No folder is specified")) {
if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($folder) -or (-not(Test-Path $folder))) {
Remove-Item -literalPath $folder -Recurse -Force
# Function to delete old folders
function Delete-OldFolders($folder=$(throw "No folder is specified")) {
if(($folder -eq $null) -or (-not(Test-Path $folder))) {
[int]$threshold = Get-ThresholdForCheckOlderFile
$folders = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath ($folder.FullName) -Force | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer}
if($folders -ne $null) {
foreach($folder in $folders) {
if((($folder.CreationTime).CompareTo((Get-Date).AddMonths($threshold))) -lt 0) {
Delete-Folder ($folder.FullName)
} else {
Delete-OldFolders (Get-Item ($folder.FullName))
# Function to get registry value
function Get-RegistryValue([string]$registryEntryPath = $(throw "No registry entry path is specified"), [string]$registryEntryName = $(throw "No registry entry name is specified"), [double]$defaultValue = 0.0) {
[double]$registryEntryValue = $defaultValue
$registryEntry = Get-ItemProperty -Path $registryEntryPath -Name $registryEntryName
if($registryEntry -ne $null) {
$registryEntryValue = $registryEntry.$registryEntryName
return $registryEntryValue
# Function to get the percentage that WER queue can take up
function Get-Percentage() {
[string]$registryEntryPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting"
[string]$registryEntryName = "MaxQueueSizePercentage"
[double]$defaultValue = 100.0
return Get-RegistryValue $registryEntryPath $registryEntryName $defaultValue
# Function to get free disk space on machine
function Get-FreeSpace {
[double]$freeSpace = 0.0
[string]$wql = "SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE MediaType=12"
$drives = Get-WmiObject -query $wql
if($null -ne $drives) {
foreach($drive in $drives) {
$freeSpace += ($drive.freeSpace)
return ($freeSpace / 1KB)
# Function to get all unnecessary files
function Get-UnnecessaryFiles([string]$folder = $(throw "No folder is specified")) {
if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($folder) -or (-not(Test-Path $folder))) {
return $null
[int]$threshold = Get-ThresholdForCheckOlderFile
return (Get-ChildItem -literalPath $folder -Recurse -Force | Where-Object {($_.PSIsContainer) -and ((($_.CreationTime).CompareTo((Get-Date).AddMonths($threshold))) -lt 0)})
# Function to format disk space (KB -> MB)
function Format-DiskSpaceMB([double]$space = $(throw "No space is specified")) {
return [string]([Math]::Round(($space / 1KB), 3))
# Function to format disk space (B -> GB)
Function Format-DiskSpaceGB([double]$space = $(throw "No space is specified")) {
return [string]([Math]::Round(($space / 1GB), 3))
# Function to attach item to the list with delimiter "/"
function AttachTo-List([string]$list = $(throw "No list is specified"), [string]$item = $(throw "No item is specified"))
return $item
return $list
return $list + "/" + $item
# Function to parse the the list with delimiter "/"
function Parse-List([string]$list = $(throw "No list is specified"))
if($list -eq $null)
return $null
return $list.Split("/", [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
# Function to get list length
function Get-ListLength([string]$list = $(throw "No list is specified"))
if($list -eq $null)
return 0
$result = Parse-List $list
if($result -is [string])
return 1
elseif($result -is [object[]])
return $result.count
return 0
# Function to convert to WQL path
function ConvertTo-WQLPath([string]$wqlPath = $(throw "No WQL path is specified"))
if($wqlPath -eq $null)
return ""
return $wqlPath.Replace("\", "\\")
# Function to check whether the shortcut is valid
function Test-ValidLink([Wmi]$wmiLinkFile = $(throw "No WMI link file is specified"))
if(($wmiLinkFile -eq $null) -or ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($wmiLinkFile.Target)))
return $false
return Test-Path $wmiLinkFile.Target
# Function to chech whether have permission to delete the shortcut file
function Test-Delete([Wmi]$wmiLinkFile = $(throw "No WMI link file is specified"))
if($wmiLinkFile -eq $null)
return $false
return ($wmiLinkFile.AccessMask -band 0x10000) -eq 0x10000
# Function to get desktop path
function Get-DesktopPath()
$methodDefinition = @"
public static string GetDesktopPath
return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory);
$type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $methodDefinition -Name "DesktopPath" -PassThru
return $type::GetDesktopPath
# Function to get startup path
function Get-StartupPath()
$methodDefinition = @"
public static string GetStartupPath
return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup);
$type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $methodDefinition -Name "StartupPath" -PassThru
return $type::GetStartupPath
# Function to remove all files in the list
function Remove-FileList([string]$list = $(throw "No list is specified"))
Parse-List $list | Foreach-Object {
Remove-Item $_ -Force
$_ | ConvertTo-Xml | Update-DiagReport -id DeleteFileExceptions -Name $localizationString.filesFailToRemove_name -Description $localizationString.filesFailToRemove_description -Verbosity Warning
# Function to get the last access time of an Icon
function Get-LastAccessTime([string]$filePath = $(throw "No file path is specified"))
if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($filePath) -or -not(Test-Path $filePath))
throw "No file path found"
$typeDefinition = @"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using ComType = System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
public sealed class FileInfo
private FileInfo()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
struct UAINFO
internal int cbSize;
internal int dwMask;
internal float R;
internal uint cLaunches;
internal uint cSwitches;
internal int dwTime;
internal ComType.FILETIME ftExecute;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] internal bool fExcludeFromMFU;
internal UAINFO(int dwMask)
this.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UAINFO));
this.dwMask = dwMask;
this.R = 0;
this.cLaunches = 0;
this.cSwitches = 0;
this.dwTime = 0;
this.ftExecute = new ComType.FILETIME();
this.fExcludeFromMFU = false;
internal const int UAIM_FILETIME = 1;
internal static Guid UAIID_SHORTCUTS = new Guid("F4E57C4B-2036-45F0-A9AB-443BCFE33D9F");
[ComImport, Guid("90D75131-43A6-4664-9AF8-DCCEB85A7462"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
interface IShellUserAssist
int FireEvent(ref Guid pguidGrp, int eCmd, string pszPath, int dwTimeElapsed);
int QueryEntry(ref Guid pguidGrp, string pszPath, ref UAINFO pui);
int SetEntry(ref Guid pguidGrp, string pszPath, ref UAINFO pui);
int RenameEntry(ref Guid pguidGrp, string pszFrom, string pszTo);
int DeleteEntry(ref Guid pguidGrp, string pszPath);
int Enable(bool fEnable);
[ComImport, Guid("DD313E04-FEFF-11d1-8ECD-0000F87A470C")]
internal class UserAssist { }
public static DateTime GetLastAccessTime(string filePath)
throw new ArgumentException("The file path is null or empty");
IShellUserAssist iShellUserAssist = new UserAssist() as IShellUserAssist;
if (iShellUserAssist == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't get iShellUserAssist interface");
Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(iShellUserAssist.QueryEntry(ref UAIID_SHORTCUTS, filePath, ref uaInfo));
throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't query info about" + filePath);
long fileTime = (((long)uaInfo.ftExecute.dwHighDateTime) << 32) + uaInfo.ftExecute.dwLowDateTime;
return DateTime.FromFileTime(fileTime);
$type = Add-Type -TypeDefinition $typeDefinition -PassThru
return $type[0]::GetLastAccessTime($filePath)
# Function to check whether the icon is pointing to a file
function Test-FileShortcut([Wmi]$wmiLinkFile = $(throw "No wmi link file is specified"))
if($wmiLinkFile -eq $null)
return $false
[string]$target = $wmiLinkFile.Target
if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($target) -or -not(Test-Path $target))
return $false
return -not((Get-Item $target).PSIsContainer)
# Function to create a choice in interaction page
function Get-Choice([string]$name = $(throw "No choice name is specified"), [string]$description = $(throw "No choice description is specified"),
[string]$value = $(throw "No choice value is specified"), [xml]$extension)
return @{"Name"=$name;"Description"=$description;"Value"=$value;"ExtensionPoint"=$extension.InnerXml}
# Function to check whether the current machine is domain joined
Function Test-DomainJoined()
return (Get-WmiObject -query "select * from win32_ntdomain where Status ='OK'") -ne $null
# Function to update time source
Function Update-TimeSource([string]$timeSource = $(throw "No time source is specified"))
w32tm.exe /config /update /manualpeerlist:"$timeSource"
# Function to get system drive info
function Get-SystemDriveInfo() {
[string]$wql = "SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE MediaType=12 AND Name = '" + ${env:systemdrive} + "'"
return Get-WmiObject -query $wql
# Function to get time service status
function Get-ServiceStatus([string]$serviceName=$(throw "No service name is specified")) {
[bool]$startService = $true
[WMI]$timeService = @(Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * From Win32_Service Where Name = `"$serviceName`"")[0]
if($null -ne $timeService) {
[ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]$timeServicesStatus = (Get-Service $serviceName).Status
if(([ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Stopped -eq $timeServicesStatus) -or ([ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::StopPending -eq $timeServicesStatus)) {
$startService = $false
return $startService
# Function to wait for expected service status
function WaitFor-ServiceStatus([string]$serviceName=$(throw "No service name is specified"), [ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]$serviceStatus=$(throw "No service status is specified")) {
[ServiceProcess.ServiceController]$sc = New-Object "ServiceProcess.ServiceController" $serviceName
[TimeSpan]$timeOut = New-Object TimeSpan(0,0,0,5,0)
$sc.WaitForStatus($serviceStatus, $timeOut)
ScriptBlock ID: 13e9b2e8-1cbb-4279-b694-6ef6c113bd47
Path: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SDIAG-8719f62f-f3f5-4383-a522-c77b8213468e\CL_Utility.ps1

3 Replies
best response confirmed by Uncreative2090 (Copper Contributor)
From a quick look, no one can tell if this is safe or not,
System Maintenance software such as Operation manager or others uses PowerShell to query and execute information from and to the system.
And as you say, this execution is once a month, I think you need to check the Task Schedule and see whats going on there.

@farismalaeb Oh alright, I’ll check task scheduler and see if there’s anything there.


If this answer was good, please click on Best Respone.
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Uncreative2090 (Copper Contributor)
From a quick look, no one can tell if this is safe or not,
System Maintenance software such as Operation manager or others uses PowerShell to query and execute information from and to the system.
And as you say, this execution is once a month, I think you need to check the Task Schedule and see whats going on there.

View solution in original post